Friday, October 3, 2008

not your ordinary dinner and movie...

whoever invented girl's nite...was genious!

i don't know what it is about girl's nite - the conversation, the laughter, the never knows what direction it will is always a pleasant surprise...

last nite was no sister-in-law, two nieces & i set out for our girl's nite...we decided we would "dress up" for the occasion...which was where the fun we met...the first course of business was to admire and compliment each outfit and how it was put together...with our sexy heels and all...we proceeded to see the latest nicholas sparks story...well not the latest he had written - but the latest in movies..."nights in rodanthe" proved to be yet another...beautiful love story...and yes...of course...we cried....some more than others ;o) (read: major chick flick)

once the major criers had composed themselves...only one this time...(wasn't me) we headed over to the elephant bar...the dinner conversation was exhilarating - there were times we were laughing so hard...i remember sitting back at one point during dinner...and just listening to the laughter...and the discussion of so many subjects...but discussed with such different viewpoints...

and then it was time for dessert...we decided to share one dessert between the four of us...all i remember was that it was the biggest mound of chocolate goodness...we all looked at this massive dessert...and decided it was a good thing that we only ordered one...however...that massive mound of chocolate goodness...was gone...completely gone...even though we were sure that there was "no way" we could finish it...

our evening ended in the driveway with more talking and lots of laughing...we did not want the evening to end...because once again...there is something about the togetherness of women/ladies/girls...whatever you want to call us...sharing in emotions, hopes, dreams, hurts and fears...and all while having fun...

as i drove home...once again i thanked the Lord for blessing me with such incredible friends and family...sometimes it is easy to take for granted those who are in your we pursue new adventures...sometimes it is difficult to make time for those who God has placed in our lives...

making time for relationships helps us in more ways than not only enriches our lives...but gives us "safety" in being vulnerable with those we trust and know are there for us...but i believe it also allows us to see situations or possibility in a new light... opens up new activities...and...more opportunity for additional girl's nite out...what i know is that the next girl's nite will include a has already been chosen...and looks like another road trip is in the works...

stay tuned...

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