Tuesday, October 6, 2009

connecting any way you can...

when i had my parents over for dinner on friday nite...i thought it would be fun...after dinner...to show them pics off of facebook from our family around the world...

i did not realize how that small exercise would affect my parents...

started off in the u.s with family pics from the east coast...pictures of my cousins and all the beautiful kids...

so far so good...

then i moved onto family outside of the states...

we ventured to chile...showing my parents my cousins newest addition to the family...a beautiful baby boy...was pretty amazing...they were in awe of all the family connections i had made...

we then moved on to argentina...where a lot of my family still lives...cousin after cousin...we went through the family pics...my parents were enjoying the trip...all around the world...

next came paraguay...and this is where my dad got very emotional...i showed him pics of my uncle and his kids...and their kids...my mom & dad told me more about all of them...as there were some i had never met...other than through facebook...

and then a pic showed up of my dad's uncle...his dad's brother...there was a moment of silence...my dad had no words...but you could see how it touched him to see his picture...his uncle is obviously getting very old...and it has been a while since my parents have had an opportunity to visit...

the pictures somehow helped in reconnecting with family...if only through cyber space...

my parents called me the next day...to let me know what a fun time they had at my house...i was so happy to be able to bring in so many family members to celebrate my mom's birthday...

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