Wednesday, October 7, 2009

stories that touch the heart...

"the boy in the striped pajama's"...has anyone seen this movie? i watched it over the weekend...and it is still on my mind...

it just left me feeling so sad...

i remember an ex of mine who would always laugh at me and say...that i was the one person he knew...that could find every bad story while reading the newspaper everyday...i remember how we would sit at the table...and i would read him each horrible story...i was always in shock at the cruelty of people... it is that difficult? the world is full of so much much violence...

i guess the one thing i am thankful for is that it still affects me to this day...and my ex...15 or so yrs later...still laughs that i tell him of stories i've read...(yes...we are still can be done) i think it would be horrible when people stop being affected by violence...because it is so common...

but then...on facebook...i saw this video...and i can't there be more stories like this??

i pray that i could be like her...

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