Tuesday, October 20, 2009

my escape...

i firmly believe that one of the most luxurious ways to spend an afternoon or evening is planted in a comfy chair, lost in a book...any book...novels, biographies, travel accounts, history, cookbooks, whatever strikes your fancy...just read...read often, read always, read everywhere...

this is my escape...

reading can do so many luxurious things for you...take you far away from your daily struggles, give you a glimpse into other worlds, teach you things you might otherwise never learn...

among my useless pieces of knowledge is that before jakarta, indonesia was called jakarta...it was called batavia...might that come in handy someday? one never knows...does one?

who knows if one day i may win a pot of money on a game show because i know that "ghiradelli" is the answer to the question "name a 150 year old chocolate company"...

reading widely gives you confidence in the world and the firm sense that you are not alone...no matter how suddenly unbearable your life might seem...

don't forget what voltaire (you might try reading him, too) said: "let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world..."

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