Friday, October 16, 2009

the handwritten note...

today when i went out to get my mail...a lovely surprise awaited me...
there it was among the junk mail, the bills, the newspaper inserts...a pale yellow envelope...with my name and address beautifully written type written or white label attached...

there is something about a handwritten note or card...something that i feel has really been lost in this day and age of emails, evites, & texting...

lovely as it is to receive a handwritten note in the mail from a friend, it is just as enjoyable to sit down and write one yourself...who needs a reason? formal thank-you notes are always welcome, but just as fun to indulge in are little personal notes to tell friends you are thinking of them, or to enclose a clipped article that might be of interest...

as the shift has truly taken place to emails, faxes and computerized correspondence, think of how treasured and rare handwritten letters have become...

i say...indulge in a box of high-quality personalized stationery or note cards...such as a beautiful paper with pretty flowered lining on the inside of the envelope...and don't forget your impressive gold-stamped monogram...

it is such a delicious feeling to hold one of those stiff cards in your hand, affix a stamp carefully in the upper-right corner, and walk (or drive) it to the mailbox...makes you feel like a heroine in a jane austen novel...doesn't it?

as with so many aspects of life (love, money, kindness), what you put out there comes back to you manyfold...the more lovely letters you drop in the mail...the greater chances that your mailbox will soon be overflowing in turn...

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