Thursday, March 4, 2010


today i met with a new client for a closet audit...she had found me via a blog post where i was being interviewed...which directed her to my blog...she sent me an email and asked what my territory was...and if i would be willing to travel out her way...i agreed...and so today was our first meeting...

she lives a little past sausalito area...and it just so happened that prior appointments had to be rescheduled...until i got ready for my hour long drive...expecting it to be a time of reflection...and it was just that...

the thing is...i think sometimes we get so bogged down with "stuff"..even while driving...our brains are going 100 miles an hour...and we get to our destination...without seeing all the beauty around us...

today...God gave me a perfect day...most days...when driving across the beautiful golden gate bridge...the tips of it are hidden by the city fog...even then its vastness is so beautiful...but today...probably because of the rain we have been was so beautiful...i drove across it...and i remember looking across the water...and thinking how much beauty God has given us...and what a shame that most days...maybe because we have gotten accustomed to the sites...or because of busy minds...taking over...we just don't notice...

it was a wonderful 2 hours...of take in His goodness...His mercies...His love...

and to acknowlege that sometimes...we need to take a breather...and notice the beauty all around us...they are gifts from our Father up above...

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