Wednesday, March 31, 2010

two steps forward...

two steps forward...two steps back...yes...paula abdul's song is ringing in my head...(have i seriously dated myself?) =)i am...of course...thinking about the weather though...

what is with it? it seems week to week the weather changes are extreme...week of beautiful sun - summer weather...sundress kind of weather...kayaking, hiking, gardening kind of weather...bbq's...ok...i'll stop...

and then we blink...and we have storms...high winds...want to be inside curled up under a blanket kind of cold...

do i prefer one over the other...well...yeah...but more than that...i would prefer the weather would just pick one...and kinda stick to it for a i put away my boots for the season? yes...the sandals come out...oh the boots out again...sheesh...

two steps forward...two steps back...i get spring showers...but these are no showers...we are getting torrential rains...

so please...just go away...bring on spring...and then summer...i'm asking nicely =)

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