Tuesday, April 27, 2010

my very own peeps...

for those that know me well...in choosing dessert...if chocolate is on the menu...that is what i will be choosing...there are only a select few desserts that i may choose other then chocolate...say...tres leches cake for instance...as was the case a few years back in the wine country...

even when it comes to candy...having the sweet tooth that i have...if it doesn't have chocolate...i'm really not feeling the need to gobble down mounds of candy...and then...easter rolls around...and the store shelves are full of my other non-chocolate love...

is is their vibrant color that grabs me? reminds me of the colors of tulips...or perhaps it is their chooey (sp?) goodness...or...perhaps it is how adorable they look peeking out of their package...

i'm sure it is all of these things...but mostly...their sweet chooey goodness...well...this year...i didn't have a chance to buy me any...and easter came and went...and they were gone...can you imagine?

so...the other day...i'm at my mom's house...and she keeps asking me if i want dessert...which...in a rare moment...i didn't...yet she was persistant...and then as i was getting ready to leave...she hands me a little package...

i could hardly contain my excitement...i told her how i didn't get any this year...and how did she know?? she just wanted to buy them for me...

love my mom...not because she bought me peeps...well...i love her for that as well...but because of her heart...always thinking of others...even down to the little loves her children have...like bright-eyed yellow peeps at easter time...

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