Friday, April 23, 2010

random tidbits...who knew?

yesterday while helping a friend move into his new office across the street from central park...i heard a random tidbit that was so cool to me...thought i would was one of those...who knew? moments...

so my friend's office is facing the baseball field at central park...and being that he is an avid baseball fan...i joked with him about not working but watching baseball all day...

and then it came...that random tidbit that was amazing to me...and as i write this...i fully am aware that for most of my will probably get to the random tidbit and what? is my blog...and the title is random thoughts about nothing and here it is...

my friend told me that when barry bonds was still in high school...serra high of the games he played at was at central park...and he hit a home run...which ended up hitting the building in which we were in...

that amazed trivia now...that i can wow everyone with...ok...maybe not wow them...but it is kinda

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