Monday, June 21, 2010

50 years together...

saturday nite we celebrated my parents 50th wedding first thought of course...was just how blessed i was to still have both my parents not...second...the example they have shown me about love & sacrifice & that "working at it" attitude on their marriage...i know it wasn't all a bed of roses for them...i know that there were many times that they went through some hard times...but they always worked on these hard times a team...

i have never heard my mom or dad speak ill of the other...i have never seen my mom or dad bring the other down...and i think it is this love and respect that they have had...that has made this beautiful union a day and age where marriages are falling apart left and right...

the most special moment of the evening...was when the cake arrived...i told my mom & dad to make a wish...before blowing out the dad...looked into my mom's eyes...and said..."what do you say...another 50 years?" it was a moment between the two of them...that i just happened to melted my heart...

i am not married...i don't know if i ever will be...but if it were to parents have shown me a beautiful example of what a solid Godly relationship looks like...what a gift they have given me in showing me that...

i love you mom & dad...more and more each day...

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