Friday, June 4, 2010

in the midst of uncertain times...

when i started my business in 2005...i didn't have a lot of support from family...or for that matter...some friends...but i knew in my was something i always wanted to do...had a passion for it...and also thought of ways that it could even be used as a all the nay-sayers...i moved forward...with my dream of wardrobe consulting...but much more then that...helping women feel good about matter their size...i prayed and took steps to make my dream a the midst of this new business...the economy began a downward slide that i never could have what was already a risky endeavor has become even riskier...

as i watch the's easy to feel fearful and to i crazy to continue to pursue this business of mine?! people ask me if i'm afraid...and just their questioning leads me down a road of thinking that i should be more afraid than i am...others express their skepticism...and then it's easy to wonder...should i just bail out and cut my losses now?

when i take my eyes off my circumstances or stop focusing on what others perspective changes...then i can say to myself and others..."i'm walking in faith as i set my eyes on God...i'm trusting Him each step of the way...and i'm trusting Him with the outcome...whatever that may be...."

as you read today's post...i'm sure you have some worries worry about losing a job...paying bills...or medical may be worried about a wayward child...aging parents...or a crumbling's so easy to let our circumstances determine our thoughts and feelings...isn't it?

i read this verse today...that i've read so many times before..."set your mind on the things above, not on the things on earth" colossians 3:2...this verse tells us we have a choice about what we choose to think other we set our minds on our circumstances or on God?

it's also easy to listen to the lies of this culture...lies that say that faith is really impractical...don't be deceived by this wrong the midst of a whole lot of uncertainty...set your mind on the one certainty in life...and that is that God loves you and He is in control...

i am thankful that in the midst of uncertain times...fearful times...and heart-aching times...He is the One i can be certain of...that He is a "sure thing"...for now and always...

i am thankful that He will strengthen me in this trial...and during it...and for those that are to come...and that He causes my heart and my mind to continue to turn to Him...

we have a we allow a hard times to cause us to be bitter...or we come out of it on the other side with a stronger trust in Him...

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