Tuesday, July 28, 2009


as most of the people in my life can attest to...i am a crier...

it is true...i have a very quick tear reflex - at least that's how i like to refer to it...
i have been known to cry at movies...commercials (the hallmark ones especially) sad and happy moments...

i can watch any two beings (animals, humans, friends, enemies - it doesn't matter) in a scene where one is saying good-bye to the other, and i will cry every single time...

happiness always sets me off...many times...as i'm crying...people have wondered...shouldn't she be happy? the thing is...i was...and crying was the only response that came to me...

of course, i do an outstanding job of sad tears...when someone suggests going to a movie...my first thought is...does the movie have sad parts...i do myself and everyone else a huge favor by staying out of sad movies...the movies that evoke hard sobs...not a good sight...those movies are best reserved for me solo...in the privacy of my own home...

i have noticed that some of my friends use my tears vicariously...some have been brought up with the notion that you should not cry...or at least not publically...many times they have looked at me in a tearful situation and said, almost hopefully, "are you going to cry?" i guess if i really thought about it...i was brought up that way...the problem with me...was that even if i wanted to not cry...i had little ability to stop the rainfall...

but i have learned that tears are nothing to be ashamed of...in fact, i am rather proud that i can feel so deeply about things...and, more important, people who know how to cry also are the people who know how to laugh...the self-control that shields a person from tears is the same control that secures the emotions against being open to laughter...

i can't speak for everyone who cries...but for me tears come from a well of joy deep within my being...not always happiness, but genuine joy...happiness is somthing people invented - a happy day, a happy event...but joy is something very different...joy comes from deep within...joy is such a wonderful surprise welling up so unexpectedly...well...it just makes me cry...

tears are a vital cleansing element in a woman's life...it helps you know you are still alive and in true touch with your deep well of joy...

1 comment:

Mel said...

aww this was so cute!!!