Wednesday, September 9, 2009

change of seasons...

with the change of seasons, we are reminded of the cyclical and ephemeral nature of life...something is present...then it slowly ceases to exist...and another thing comes about to take its place...nature abhors a vacuum...

from a macro perspective...this may be representative of a whole lifetime...a newborn being in the "spring" of her life...and elder being in the "winter" of his...but, on a much smaller scale...seasonal changes can be likened to various periods in our lives...within a lifetime...each of us will experience countless springs...numerous summers...many autumns...and several extremely long dark shivering winters...

we freely accept the necessity of transition in nature...but we are resistant to apply the same principle to our own lives...many of us tend to hold steadily onto the past...neglecting the possibility that something better might be up ahead...

a tree cannot hold onto its flowers and leaves for fear of losing its simply lets go of them knowing that its full beauty will be restored...the same blossoms will not return...but ones that are just as...if not more beautiful than the originals...

everything comes full circle...

keeping this principle in mind should allow us to accept change more readily...embrace it...for change is equivalent to real living...anything less is merely existing...there is a vast difference between the two...welcome the seasons as they come as well as when they go...

on a personal note here...
i am in a lengthy season of so many changes...i will try to walk a delicate balance here...give you a true glimpse into my life without sounding like i am "whining"

the fight against a deep depression is not always easy nor valiant...this particular depression was brought on by the passing of some close friends...fighting some situations...and a few people that i completely trusted have them completely walk out of my life as if our friendship never times trying to give from an empty cup...i have not been my usual self for a time...more inclined to pull into a shell and try to figure out how to get myself out of this "pickle"

so enough of all that...

for in my hurt and disappointment...i have realized who my true friends are...and i have learned to guard my heart and not to give so freely (something that is very very hard for me to do)...and in the changes of the seasons in my life...just as in i have let go of those that made me feel like i didn't matter...or chose to discard the friendship i so freely that letting go...i saw the treasure of my true friendships emerging...

to those who read this blog and are in the throes of trying to figure out life's seasons that are ever influx...i wish you "peace" of mind...i wish you gentle thoughts about yourself and those in your life who seem to be your own personal nemesis at the moment...look for happiness...encouragement...solice and the sweet things in life where ever they can be found...

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