Thursday, September 3, 2009

passing the holiness...

life is holy...our days, our hours, our minutes are holy, created by God according to His holy purpose...the bible begins with a beautiful, poetic account of how and what God created...He made a special place...He made it self-contained and filled it with His wonders...then He gave male and female dominion over it all...

God loved the world and all the creatures He put fact, He loved it so much...He decided to come and dwell walk among the people, to dwell in the countrysides and to visit the lakes and Christ He reclaimed the world as a place of fulfillment and transcendence...God revealed Himself in the ordinary: He chose human life as His dwelling place...His presence and His purpose put us on holy ground...

so what does that mean to us?

God is with the hubbub of our lives...God is with the deadlines, in the splendor, in the singing of a bird, in the frustration of a broken relationship, in the sound of a little voice calling for mom, in the plumbing repair, in a friend's phone call...He is there in it all...He is present with us...He opens doors for us to love one another...for us to experience peace and beauty...He opens doors for us to enjoy find ourselves...and to experience His very experience the abundant life...

and...there's more! God came into this world to summon us to commitment of making life holy for others...what God has done for must now go and do for others...the lonely, the oppressed, the victims...all are waiting for us to live out our holiness...this is not to be confused with a casual twenty-dollar donation to a charity of our choice (although that is a good thing to do) is not the same as the clucking of our tongues when we read sad newspaper is not even a perfect attendance on the sunday school class roll...

making life holy for others requires imagination...sacrifice...courage...empathy...prayer...and is the commitment that does not ask "what's in it for me?" but rather, "if i don't help, what will happen to this life?"

there is no greater joy than bringing light to someone's darkness...there is no greater happiness and satisfaction than lightening someone's burden...there is nothing so holy as being a part of God's touching a broken spirit and creating a new beginning...there is nothing that increases our strength like sharing it with the weak...

life on earth is the dwelling place of the most holy God...if we are to experience the divine...we must find it in the ordinary walk of each day...we find God in the process of passing His holiness along...

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