Monday, September 21, 2009

the cousins soiree...

saturday nite my family had our annual cousins party...yep...just the aunts & uncles...(other than my lovely aunt & uncle who hosted the soiree) which in reality...there are a lot of us =) i think we totaled 27 for the nite...and...this was only one side of the family...according to my calculations...if every cousin from this side of the family had been there...which of course would be great...but hard...because many are out of the country...we could have easily added over 20 more cool is that??

one of the things that always makes me the "kids" table...of course...growing up...that was where my cousins & i were at...and our parents were at the "adult" "kids" table is full of all the children that belong to my cousins...and there are a lot of them! lots of laughter & screaming & crying took place from the kids...but it was such a sight to see all of them playing together...just like my cousins & i had done when we were little...

as i drove home...i was overwhelmed with thankfulness to the Lord for giving me such an awesome was beautiful to see tables full of cousins...laughing, reminiscing, catching up, teasing, hugging & loving each other...

there are many things i may not have...but my family...well i hit the jackpot!

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