Monday, November 16, 2009

step away from the computer...

so my laptop needed some medical attention...and was computer hospitalized for three days! talk about computer withdrawal...sheesh...

i seriously never realized how much i depend on this little contraption we call a computer...just when i was about to do something...i realized...i can't...because it requires access to the computer...

this occurred when i was trying to work...and i won't even mention being away from facebook & twitter...all my cyber friends...couldn't chat with them...kinda strange...

so for three days...i actually got some serious work done that didn't require this contraption...yes...i really cleaned out some stuff from the home...AND...i actually spent almost all my time "out"...

hmmm...what a concept...

the thing is...i am a pretty social person...and love to be out and about...the computer...however...does keep me in sometimes...and although i have made great connections "on-line" it can't and never will replace true face to face connection...

that is where i most feel like i am thriving...

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