Monday, November 30, 2009

thanksgiving...every day...

i read a snipet of a blog the other day that really resonated with is a portion of it...taken from "cyndi monroe - unscripted"

"It's funny how Thanksgiving rolls around and it seems there is a nation-wide urge to suddenly become grateful or, at the very least, a willingness to publicly acknowledge "an attitude of gratitude". You know what I am talking about. Politicians and celebrities get their "God voice" on and, speaking in dulcet tones, inform us how thankful they are. Then to prove it, they spend four hours of one day serving at the homeless shelter (photo op nirvana). That makes me somehow want to NOT say anything, not jump on the band wagon, so to speak. I really am overwhelmingly grateful to my Lord for his constant, pervasive generosity that I find I don't want to get mixed up with the "fair weather" thankers (does that make sense?)."

i love when someone writes so eloquently what i am thinking...but don't know how to quite put it into words...honestly..i don't think i could have written it as well...

even this last week...on facebook...there were so many wonderful gratitude status updates...including my own...but as the holidays roll is a constant thought on my mind...why is it...that we celebrate family & friends so openly during this time of year...and then it seems to come to this abrupt halt...

not that we stop being thankful and loving...but it shouldn't be only on a designated day...just like valentine's day...why should feb 14th be the day that one proclaims their love openly to their significant "other"...

one of my favorite christmas songs is "don't save it all for christmas day" by avalon...i even blogged about it last it is if you would like to see the lyrics...the first time i heard the words of this rang in my strongly...

so...yes...this thanksgiving...i hope that you were thankful for all that the Lord has blessed you with...and this coming holiday season...i hope that you will love and hug your friends and family...but how great to continue in that through out the year...

the most wonderful moments for me have been telling someone in my life...whether friend or family...that i am thankful for them...or that i love the most unexpected moments...with no one around...

thanksgiving should be everyday...especially for those of us who have been blessed with knowing the wonderful love and mercies of our Lord & Savior...

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