Friday, September 12, 2008

coffee with dad...

simple pleasures...i have always noticed them...but for some reason...lately...i really seek to find them...

this simple pleasure was having coffee with my dad. he came over to drop off some things for me...things consist of "food" he brings from his many jaunts in the city to something mom may have cooked...when he is coming over...i always put a pot of coffee on...for our talks...our talks are simple...really about nothing...but for is time with my dad...

this morning was no exception...he talked about his fruit trees..of which he is so proud...i listened...he spoke of the many deals he got in the city from fruit to meat...i listened...

the funny thing about my visits with dad...he has never really been an animal two cats absolutely gravitate toward him... he clumsily pets them...i try and shoo them away...and he tries to pretend he really likes them...i don't know why this scene that happens every time he comes over...puts a smile on my face...but it does...

although our conversations are simple...and really not about anything...i cherish these times with my dad...i was always daddy's girl growing up...and in a lot of ways...even in my forties...i still am...i love the look he gives me...the one only shared between a daughter and her dad...

i could see the affects of age and working hard in a blue collar industry that are showing in my dad...he doesn't walk as straight and strong as he used to...he also gets very emotional when he talks about seeing old friends or family...but i still see him as the strong man that kept our family safe and secure...

he moved to california from argentina because he wanted a better life for his children...the children he didn't yet have...just married...he left his family and the comfort of a country he was familiar with...with his new bride...he came to the states with $50 in his pocket...not knowing the language...he worked any job he could find...

when i think back on that story...i see how far my dad (and mom) have come...he now speaks english (although with a heavy accent) and has built a very comfortable life for his wife and three children that now are all grown and out of the house...

what i do that my childhood was pleasant...full of love and happiness...that came from the love that my mom & dad had for their family. they always taught me not to take things for granted...and to be thankful for everything we had...

i'm sure my dad would prefer mate (national drink in argentina) over coffee...but he has accepted the fact that his daughter prefers coffee...and sits and sips and talks...

coffee with dad...simple pleasure...gotta love it!

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