Thursday, September 25, 2008

this is the time of my life...

ok...other than really really lovin david cook's voice...the most recent american idol winner...his first song has really been my "go to" song this week...i posted the lyrics to the song at the end of this post...

i had my hopes kinda wrapped up and geared toward one direction...and when that one hope shattered in front of me in a matter of a phone really made me sit and take easy it was for me to grab onto something that never really was mine...but in my head...i somehow managed to justify the good of the situation (and there were many good moments)...and ignore the not so good...the not so good consisted more of settling for scraps instead of someone giving me there whole heart...

this song talks about "this" being the time of my life...i really want to live that not have tunnel vision when pursuing one hope...i don't believe that there is anything wrong with pursuing something that you want or hope for...but when it stands in the way of seeing other hopes and dreams...or pursuing just the could all come crashing down...

i honestly did not see that i had wrapped so much of me in one dream...until it came crashing that moment...all i could muster up was..."now what?" i couldn't believe that i couldn't think of any other hopes and dreams that i had...because i had put all my focus on the one...and when left with made me take a good long look at so many dimensions of that...

i love that i give my all to relationships...friends or otherwise...the danger comes in forcing something that should happen naturally...when it's a hope or dream...when do you stop "trying" and realize that the "trying" has become obsessive and limits you from other hopes and dreams that are ready to be revealed...

in this song it speaks about "i'll taste every moment"...i want to live like be so in awe of every moment in my life...every time spent with those who love me...hearing the laughter in a child...the flowers blooming in my garden...the sunrise...

i want to get back to lost, the ballet, the opera, the symphony...there was a time in my life where i couldn't wait to experience new share my loves with others...i was the "go to" person for info on the best new restaurant...what events were the events to go to...somewhere all of those were put on the sidelines...because i wanted this one dream to come true...with the one peson who i thought it would come true with...

how sad to waste life...waiting for something that may never come...and in the meantime...all this wonderful "life" is happening around me...

this song resonates what i am going back to...this was the way i lived at one time...somewhere i lost me...this week has been so refreshing for losing a dream i gained "me" back...
as i told my best friend this week..."i felt like i lost everything i dreamed for...but now i am in such a great position..because all i have now to look forward to are God's wonderful surprises"
what could be better than that...seriously!

so i will taste every moment and live it out loud...this is the time of my life...

"the time of my life"

I’ve been waiting for my dreams
To turn into something
I could believe in
And looking for that
Magic rainbow
On the horizon
I couldn’t see it
Until I let go
Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn
Now I’m coming alive
Body and soul
And feelin’ my world start to turn
And I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
Holding onto things that vanished
Into the air
Left me in pieces
But now I’m rising from the ashes
Finding my wings
And all that I needed
Was there all along
Within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart
and I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
And I’m out on the edge of forever
Ready to run
I’m keeping my feet on the ground
Arms open wide
Face to the sun
I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
This is the time
This is the time of my life.
This is the time of my life.

1 comment:

Zepp said...

This song means that you finally reach that moment in your life that is all about you and no one can take that away from you.

I'll taste every moment