Friday, December 31, 2010

buh bye 2010...hello 2011...

"what lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us...”
ralph waldo emerson

wishing you all a safe & happy new year's...

my friend let me "borrow" this fabulous picture....
isn't it fabulous?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

glimpses of His own heart...

choices and decisions...

but because i don’t know what i want...i don’t know what to ask God for...and as i was thinking all this nonsense...another set of thoughts interrupted me...and something hit me...

i’ve asked God for so many things in my life...and everything He gave me due to my prayers...i now don’t even remember...most of it all has been temporary and exchanged for new things...

absent of value...

a few things i asked for and He gave me...i later couldn’t understand why He listened to me if He knew the damage it would bring...

and then there were the prayers He never answered...

thank God...

looking back...i realize how much danger...destruction...and unnecessary drama He saved me not granting my foolish pleas...

and the things i never asked for...such as a broken heart...loss...tears...scars...the things that caused me the most pain...valleys in my life i begged Him to get me out of and save me from...things i couldn’t make perfect sense...and i am most thankful for...those are the moments in life i see His perfect fingerprints in...those are my most precious greatest...boldest blessings...glimpses of His own heart...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

loving relationships...

"keeping struggles to yourself eats away at your is amazing what a change in feelings happens when you dare to share your struggles with a spouse, a loved one, or a special friend...pouring out your soul, being able to say to someone, “i trust and love you enough to share my problems with you,” is a liberating may be surprised by their response...loving relationships will make you feel accepted and supported..."
wessel bentley

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


"i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus..." philippians 3:14

this is the verse that sits on the first line of my business business plan...which also holds my personal plans...physical & spiritual...guess it really should be called my "life" plan...i have never liked the exercise of planning on paper...the plans for the new year...but it really became a regular exercise with a networking group i started about 3 years ago...a group of women entreprenuers...we encourage each other...we are accountable to each other...and we check our "business plan" see if we are on track...very structured...something i have a really hard time with...

and another thing i have a hard time with is...

new year's resolutions...guess in a way it could be interpreted as another type of life plan...but the name sticks...everyone knows what new year's resolutions are...and...we all make them and most of us fail or give up on them...usually by the end of february...i believe the reason we fail or give up on these resolutions is because we don't give ourselves any grace to slip...we set goals with a pass/fail mentality...we become so focused on the goal "i am going to _____," determined not to fail...that the obsession sets up the failure...we become so legalistically determined to meet the goal we forget about giving ourselves grace as we strive towards it...

so i say this year let's let go of the old tradition of pass/fail legalistic-minded resolutions...and embrace grace in setting God-driven...Spirit-inspired goals for 2011...

how do we that? first and foremost...we need to seek God in setting the goals...many times we set goals that are not intended for us...we are made in the image of God and the goals we set should be made with the purpose of becoming like ask God what you can do in 2011 to become more like Him...perhaps it is spending more time in His word...or praying for forget your body is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and you don't treat it as the temple that it is...perhaps God wants you to be more evangelism or mission minded in 2011...

second...go to God's word for support for your goal...record the scriptures along with your corresponding goal in a spiral index card notebook...this notebook will be your quick scripture support when you need it...and it is small enough for your purse...or for my men your briefcase or main "business plan" is done on a word document...purely for the ease of "tweaking"...because...there have been times where i have needed to start new goals...and change others...this is not a document that can never be flexible in where God opens doors...

third...enlist accountability...this doesn't necessarily mean announce your goals to your entire sunday school class or put them on the class prayer list...unless God tells you to...these goals have been prayed over and inspired by God...ask God to lead you to those who will pray for well as hold you accountable to your goal...keep in mind that God might lead you to someone other than your best girlfriends or guyfriends...allow Him to surprise you and work in new ways in your life...

fourth...(and SO important)...embrace grace...give yourself a break if you slip back a bit...keep your eyes on the big picture...the end goal of becoming more like Christ...remember God inspired your goals...when He calls you to do something...He supplies all you need to accomplish it...even grace...showing yourself grace does not mean you are giving yourself permission to continue to means that if you admit it...step up the prayer...and keep pressing forward...

lastly...set a monthly or quarterly check point with your accountability partner(s) and allow for the Holy Spirit to work in tweaking the goal...setting long-term goals is difficult for me...if i tell myself that i only have to make it until next month...i am more likely not to slip...

sounds so easy doesn't it? =) probably not...obtainable? most definitely...ready...get set...pray...start praying today...He has amazing things waiting ahead in 2011...

i am thankful for the hope of a new year...and as i am planning my goals...i pray that i become more and more like Him...i know this is His plan for me...

Monday, December 27, 2010

winding down... it is...the last week of twenty ten...who would have thunk it...seriously...this year has flown by...there has been some sadness...some stress...some unfortunate circumstances...but one is immune...right? besides...with that...there has also been the incredible presence of the Lord through it all...He has been so evident in the midst of all the muck...and because of that...i have to has been an incredible year...

there is something about saying "the Lord is with me" vs feeling the Lord with you...and i have to say...this year...there were times that i heard myself saying it...although faintly...never not believing it...but more saying it to continue to believe it...and it was in the times when i least expected it...He came through so incredibly crystal clear...that at times...i just stood in amazement...of His never ending love for me...and my tiny life (in the big scheme of things)

i am excited about ending this year...this chapter in my life...but holding on to the moments...the memories..and i am that much more excited about the coming year...and all the "newness" that will come with it...

Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas... you & yours...may you feel His love & peace this christmas season...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

almost christmas...

yes it is! my favorite time of year...and the anticipation is mounting! ok...i admit...i am like a small child when it comes to everything about it...the outside lights on homes...yes...i still squeel when i see a really nicely decorated home...the christmas trees...the music...everyone seems to be in semi-better moods...what is there not to like? it a bit stressful as well...i choose not to dwell on that...what needs to get done...surprisingly...always does...and if it doesn't...well...will anyone truly notice?

and family time...this has been a tough year on ours...but we are still standing...truly by the grace of God...He continues to pour His love over us...and for that...i am so grateful...

so...last minute errands still need to be done...and then i will be in full on "enjoy the season" mode...what could be better?

be sure to take a moment or two...from the busyness...and focus on what is truly our wonderful beautiful Savior...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

lost integrity...

it is funny how the disappointments of some people affect want to believe that they have some integrity...not only the integrity they talk about...but actually live...and you want to believe that there is a bit of goodness left...but for whatever isn't there...and the person you thought they were...and hope they are...isn't even close...

i've always thought i was a pretty good judge of character...but i have to the last few years...those that i thought would be the ones who stood out as good & honest...and trustworthy...were what is left to do? really nothing...for i have learned that i can only control my own actions...and hope for the best in others...

but still...i'll be honest...there is that tinge of have to acknowledge that who you thought someone was...well...they are nothing close...except maybe to some...

i'm rambling...i know...just have a lot on my a life of integrity is a whole lot different that writing about living a life of integrity...people are always watching us...especially when we call ourselves christians...i wish more people understood that...

in other news...with that disappointment came a wonderful visit from an out of town friend...and a reminder...that those who truly live a life of is like leaps and bounds of blessings...i am thankful for those friends...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

in awe of God's amazing creation...

sat on my back porch last nite watching the lunar eclipse - a very rare moment indeed since the next time the lunar eclipse will coincide with the winter solstice will be in 2094 (last time was 1638)...saw many shooting stars too - a beautiful night...gazing at the starry night - in awe of God's amazing creation...yes...the miraculous still happens today...

Monday, December 20, 2010

when love takes over...

the greatest obstacles to experiencing inner peace are those negatives emotions that we tend to let in...fear, anger, and jealousy...and yet it is love and compassion that give us the inner peace and happiness that we all want...

in several places in the bible...Jesus talks about love...through Him we are constantly reminded that love is the greatest gift of all...

1 corinthians 13 says: "and now these three remain: faith, hope and love...but the greatest of these is love...

this holiday season is meant to celebrate a love that is born out of an ominpotent love...God calls us to love and if we look with open eyes...we can find reminders of that everywhere...

Friday, December 17, 2010

an otherwise normal day...

i cannot believe that in exactly one will be christmas eve...i'm really working at savoring every moment of the rest of this year...which means...taking each day as it comes...and seeing the beauty in it...and the is pouring rain...and it is truly my first day in weeks that i have had to which i spent most of it...doing errands that had been put on the back burner... pouring not mix well...but for some was a great day...i guess what "they" say...whoever "they" are...the attitude truly makes a difference...

this time of year is hard on so many...i see some in my family really struggling...and then there are the strangers i pass every day...don't know there story...but so many look so sad...if all i could extend is a smile...that is what i will do...

and in that...i forget about the pouring rain...the endless list of errands...and focus on people...and showing God's love...

wishing you a wonderful weekend...the weekend before Christmas...may it be stress free...full of joy...and more memories to stock up for the year...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

two bucks in my yard... many of my friends and family know...i love love love christmas...first and foremost for the true meaning of christmas...the beautiful gift of God's amazes me still to this day of our Savior's love for all of us...

and then there is christmas music...the decorations...

which brings me to my post today...i have an abundance of christmas decor...most of which was bought "after" christmas...THE best time to stock up on christmas my opinion...

one of my christmas obsessions was having christmas deer in my know the ones...their heads moving left and right...they are lit up...full size i got my first one...hmmm....i think about 5 or 6 years ago...for a fabulous deal...then the year after...i bought my second one...packed them away...and never brought them out to my yard...

i know...crazy! might be thinking...would i do that? took one person to tell me that they get stolen off of peoples yards...and so...i never wanted to put them out for fear that they would get stolen...

this i pulled everything out to decorate...i thought about life...and the many friends i lost this year...many at a very young age...and i realized (once again) that i am not promised tomorrow...and what a shame to have deer...boxed up...and never seen...i mean...truly...if someone steals be it...they obviously need them more then i do...although...i do hope that doesn't happen...

so the pouring rain...crazier...i know...because i really dislike the rain...i set up my two deer in my front yard...i was going for a "couple"...but wouldn't you know...i have two bucks...but they still look pretty amazing glistening in my do i know? because like a dork...i keep looking out my window...and smiling...

my two bucks...with their heads turning left and right...are still my front yard...right where i put them...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12 days of christmas...

my girlfriend sent me this..i could listen to it over and over and over...enjoy!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

hope for the holidays...

God gave each of us what we needed most...a Savior...a Savior to save us from ourselves...and because of that...the holiday season should be a time of cheer...for can be lonely and depressing...while the days leading up to christmas should be filled with hope...sadness over past mistakes can hover like clouds on a rainy day...we all have a tendency to define ourselves by what we have or haven’t done...

we tend to label ourselves by our past mistakes...and then we wear these labels as if there were no alternative...

failure...unfaithful...unfit parent...liar...gossip...addicted...bitter...

the bible tells us that as a person they you want to live an unhealthy can...if you want to punish will...that being said...though...being self-destructive is not God’s plan for your think this way is to see yourself outside of God’s saving grace...

that’s why the christmas season offers such hope...because God gave us what we needed most...a Savior to save us from ourselves...the key to putting your past behind you...and moving forward with a bright and hopeful to accept Christ’s forgiveness for you...

what is comforting to know is that you are not alone in your troubles...the bible tells us...“for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...” (romans 3:23). that means there is not one perfect person in the entire world...we have all made mistakes...i know i’ve made my matter how hard we try to do everything right on our own...we can’ God gave His only Son as payment for our other words...Christ paid our debt...and this payment is a gift of God which He freely offers to you and me...

the awesome thing is...we don’t have to earn this gift...through Christ’s death on the cross...God simply says, “our sins are paid in full.”

all you and i have to do to receive His forgiveness is to agree with God about our might say something like this in prayer...yes, God, i did that thing...i receive your free gift of forgiveness for the wrong i have done...and i accept heaven as my eternal home...cleanse me and change my life...fill me with your love, hope, joy and peace...

if you sincerely mean what you’ve confessed...then you have been forgiven...your slate is clean...God remembers your sins no is as if they never were...

and that’s the good news of christmas and the open doorway to peace...

the next thing you must do is forgive will stay in bondage if you continue to label yourself as a bad or unworthy person for what you have done instead of focusing on the changes God can bring about in must stop defining yourself by your past and read the bible to learn how God defines His people...

He calls you beautiful!

just think...this could be a christmas where you experience real peace, joy, and’s why Christ was set you free...

Monday, December 13, 2010

just listen...

today was the first day in a long time where i had nothing planned for the morning...i relish those kinds of mornings...the pot of coffee is brewed...laptop is in my lap...and my two cats are clamoring to get the remainder of lap space for themselves...right now...they are facing each a dual...ready to inch in more...when more space is reevealved...their little bottoms on the couch...and their two front paws perfectly lined up on each side of my leg...cozying up to me...

i guess they have missed these mornings as well...or at least i like to think noise...just the quiet of the morning...

this is how the Lord wants me to be...clamoring to get to sit in His be close...saying nothing...just listening...i woke up this morning...and that was my prayer...that i talk less to Him today...(a hard feat...believe me) and listen more...

what does He have to tell me today...i patiently will hear the words of my Father...He knows my heart...He knows my wants...He knows my needs...all that is left to to rest in His warm embrace...and listen...

Friday, December 10, 2010

let it be just as you say...

have you read the christmas story yet this season?

in luke’s first chapter...he introduces us to a young woman named mary...we get from the gospels that she was an ordinary girl...much like you and me...scripture tells us she was betrothed to a man named joseph...luke does not tell us much about her every day life...but we can believe one thing...mary knew and loved do we know this? by the truths taught in her story...

in one moment in time...this ordinary girl who lived an ordinary life came face to face with an extraordinary God...the angel gabriel greeted mary with these words: “you will become pregnant and give birth to a Son and call His name Jesus...He will be great and be called 'Son of the Highest'...”

mary asked gabriel how this would happen since she had never slept with a man...he answered her by saying that the Holy Spirit would come upon her...hover over her...and place the child within her...he then told her, “...the child you bring forth will be called Holy, Son of God.”

considering the immediate impact this message would have on mary’s ordinary life – she’d have to explain to her family and her fiancé that she was pregnant...her response is powerful and such a witness for you and me...she told gabriel...“yes, i see it now: i’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve...let it be with me just as you say...” have you ever wondered how she could have so quickly and easily put aside all that this surprising proclamation would mean and surrender her will to God’s?

how did mary come to that place? i believe that in her journey up to that point there were many small steps of obedience where she had experienced and witnessed God’s faithfulness...perhaps places where she said, “yes, Lord,” even when it was difficult or did not make sense...choosing to say “yes” on ordinary days prepared her heart to say “yes” on this extraordinary day...

you and i have those ordinary moments in our lives too...moments that in and of themselves do not seem significant but when weaved together create a heart of day God will ask us to trust Him for something extraordinary...where will our heart be? will we be ready to say “yes” to God...even when what He is asking seems impossible?

my prayer is that i use this day to prepare my heart for those moments when my extraordinary God will invite me to join Him on an extraordinary saying “yes” to Him today...that i would know and trust Him the way mary have a heart of obedience to say "yes" in the small...every day be faithful in the ordinary...and in prepared for the extraordinary...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

rest in peace elizabeth edwards...

i was sad to hear of the passing of elizabeth edwards...she was definately a woman i would have enjoyed meeting...she always showed such grace & dignity...during her well as during the tabloid news of her husbands wandering...

here is a wonderful article that i think truly describes her as i saw her..."elizabeth edwards mastered grace, maintained dignity" one of her last writings was so beautiful written...

"You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces – my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined. The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that. And, yes, there are certainly times when we aren't able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It's called being human.

But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful. It isn't possible to put into words the love and gratitude I feel to everyone who has and continues to support and inspire me every day. To you I simply say: you know"

i would hope that me being faced with what she went through...that i would be able to show a third of the same grace & dignity...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

my happiness depends on me...

love this so true...

"Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.” And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel—and then, you’ll love them all. Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good."
— Abraham HicksSee More

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


..."be still and know that I am God" psalm 46:10...

my girlfriend adena wrote this status update yesterday...
"Just Breathe" - words I saw today in an ad in a fashion magazine. Very appropriate for this season, when we've got hundreds of little demands on our time. It's surprising, but often we don't even realize when we're holding our breath, accompanied by tensed shoulders. So...let's just take a deep, slow breath and consciously relax. Doesn't that feel better?

this is usually the time of year where much of the world runs around stressed to the max...and we focus on everything except the true reason for the this busy month...take time to reflect...not only of His wonderful gift to us...but how He has been there throughout the year...always by your side...

we need to not just simplify our lives and learn to say "enough" to so much we try to do...but learn to be quiet on the inside...make a quiet place inside and stay with Him during this time of year...don't let christmas pass you by...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

making the most of today...

rec'd the pastors email "from the pastors heart" and had to share with all of you...such a great reminder of how time not to dwell on things out of your control...or to worry about things that you can't change...this is obviously the time of year where we look back and think "where did the year go?"...i know i have thought it...and said it...pastor's words hold make the most of today...

From Pastors Heart

It is hard to believe that it is the first week of December. In fact, I find myself amazed at how fast the 2010 year has come and gone. Many of the recent conversations have included comments from other people regarding their amazement over the fact that we are once again in the middle of the holiday season.

“I can’t believe it is December.”

“Where has the time gone this year?”

“The older I get, the faster time seems to go by.”

The Bible certainly hits the nail on the head when James reports:

But you do not know what will happen tomorrow! Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. James 4:14 (NCV)

Time is something we will never capture or control. Our lives are brief, described as a mist, a fog, a vapor. First it is there - then it is gone. All the effort, all the planning, all the worrying to control the days of our lives do precious little to grant even one more day to the time we have left.

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Luke 12:25 (NIV)

Scripture goes on to assure us that God has already determined the days and hours of our lives. So what is left for us to do? If all this has been determined, if life is so short, if time passes so quickly – then what am I to do?

Yours is not to count the minutes, hours, days or years – yours is to make them count. Time does move quickly – are you using it to the fullest? Are the days and hours of your life being spent in a manner that reflects the value of eternity? Will the choices and decisions of your use of time be a benefit to others around you in the light of eternity?

Today is December 3, 2010. You will never pass this way again. You have one shot to make today count. This is not a dress rehearsal – this is life. It passes quickly. It passes as quickly as a vapor dissipates. I encourage you not to waste this time or hope for a future date to arrive – it may never come. I would encourage you to spend less time today in worry – it doesn’t benefit your life. I would encourage you to spend less time in amazement of how fast time passes. Spend more time on how you can make your life count.

It is my prayer for you today that this time, this season, this very moment is lived to the fullest. Now – this is the time of your life.

From my heart to yours,

Pastor Bret Allen (Bethel Church - San Jose)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

to jacqueline...

i received the most heart felt comment on a blog post i wrote back in november of 2009...the funny that when i went back to re-read that post...i remember why i felt led to write it...and that is saying alot for me...the girl that has the worst memory ever!

jacqueline...if you are reading have been on my heart all day...i will continue to pray for you...may you truly feel the love of our Father in a special way...

your sister in Christ...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

dec 1...

...where has this year gone? i wrote a check today...and seriously stopped for a moment when i wrote the is december is funny how a year can seem so long and so short at the same time...when going through situations...sometimes life is ever slow...hoping to get through the difficult times in record speed...but moves so slowly...not at the speed we want...but the right speed...

in retrospect...when looking back...time has flown by so quickly...and you are left...or i should say...i am left to wonder...did i do everything i wanted to do...and even more importantly...did i accomplish everything the Lord would have wanted me to accomplish? did i learn all the lessons i needed to learn? did i give as much as i could have given? did i spend my time wisely? or were there moments where i wasted time...wasted an opportunity...

i know that we cannot live our lives always looking at things this way...but i do feel it is important to think upon these last once in a re-group so to "check-in" with ourselves...and God...are we on track? are we living our lives to our best potential?

as this year comes to an end...there have been life lessons learned...some were difficult...some were hard to accept...but all were necessary to get me to the point at which i'm at today...

and in looking back...although there were times i could have done without...each helped me in understanding more and more of my Father's love for me...and that no matter what comes my way...or doesn't come my the my life...and for that...i am forever grateful...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

willing to let go...

i may have posted this once before...maybe...maybe not...but it is worth a

Monday, November 29, 2010

a devouring month...

stick a fork in me...i'm done...

over the past month...i've celebrated my birthday...over and over and over again...and then thanksgiving...and then more celebration of my birthday...i've pretty much eaten enough cake and pie to feed a small addition to the sweets...drinks flowed freely....for thanksgiving...i wolfed down turkey...yams...stuffing...and more dessert...and then last nite...ended it all with beignets in the city...oh yeah...i'm a bit scared to weigh myself...

so...from now till christmas...when i will indulge again...i'm will be back to healthy eating...

i'm so glad calories don't really count during the holiday season... =) or is that a lie i've been telling myself? all in has been a wonderful month...

the house is now decorated for christmas...and i hope to enjoy the rest of this year...although it's a bit stressful right now...i want to focus on the reason for the best i can...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy thanksgiving...

“thanksgiving day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow...”
~ edward sandford martin

“thanksgiving day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men, but be careful that you do not take the day and leave out the gratitude...”
~ e.p. powell

"thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action..."
w.j. cameron

wishing you a fabulous thanksgiving day & weekend...may you be surrounded by family & friends...and may you always have much for which to be thankful for...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

repost: thanksgiving...every day...

no...i'm not being lazy...well...part of it is that i have a to-do list the size of...well...let's just's really long...and i'm feeling a bit i thought...for a little inspiration..let me see what i was blogging about last year...and then i read this post...and i thought...hmmm...i think i should repost...if for any other reason...than it being a good reminder for myself...thanksgiving...should be every day...not just one day a year...

here it is...

i read a snipet of a blog the other day that really resonated with is a portion of it...taken from "cyndi monroe - unscripted"

"It's funny how Thanksgiving rolls around and it seems there is a nation-wide urge to suddenly become grateful or, at the very least, a willingness to publicly acknowledge "an attitude of gratitude". You know what I am talking about. Politicians and celebrities get their "God voice" on and, speaking in dulcet tones, inform us how thankful they are. Then to prove it, they spend four hours of one day serving at the homeless shelter (photo op nirvana). That makes me somehow want to NOT say anything, not jump on the band wagon, so to speak. I really am overwhelmingly grateful to my Lord for his constant, pervasive generosity that I find I don't want to get mixed up with the "fair weather" thankers (does that make sense?)."

i love when someone writes so eloquently what i am thinking...but don't know how to quite put it into words...honestly..i don't think i could have written it as well...

even this last week...on facebook...there were so many wonderful gratitude status updates...including my own...but as the holidays roll is a constant thought on my mind...why is it...that we celebrate family & friends so openly during this time of year...and then it seems to come to this abrupt halt...

not that we stop being thankful and loving...but it shouldn't be only on a designated day...just like valentine's day...why should feb 14th be the day that one proclaims their love openly to their significant "other"...

one of my favorite christmas songs is "don't save it all for christmas day" by avalon...i even blogged about it last it is if you would like to see the lyrics...the first time i heard the words of this rang in my strongly...

so...yes...this thanksgiving...i hope that you were thankful for all that the Lord has blessed you with...and this coming holiday season...i hope that you will love and hug your friends and family...but how great to continue in that through out the year...

the most wonderful moments for me have been telling someone in my life...whether friend or family...that i am thankful for them...or that i love the most unexpected moments...with no one around...

thanksgiving should be everyday...especially for those of us who have been blessed with knowing the wonderful love and mercies of our Lord & Savior...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

thankful for debt paid...

i had a debt i could not pay...He paid a debt he did not owe...

as we are entering into the week of much to be thankful for...first and foremost...i am thankful for the love my Father has for me...the debt He i could never humanly understand...but thankful...none the less...

Here I Am To Worship
Chris Tomlin

Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness.
Opened my eyes, let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

King of all days
oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

Monday, November 22, 2010

the sanctity of marriage... something that i truly have no experience in...but i've seen the joys of it...and unfortunatly...i've seen the breakdown of it...many more times then i would have liked...what i that it is a beautiful gift from the Lord...but one that needs constant work...will i be able to experience it one day? i guess time will tell...

when i heard the news shuffling around about eva longoria & tony parker breaking made me sad...not only that it might be another divorce to hear about...but how the news was so quick to point it out...nothing much is said of the marriages that have stood the test of time...but marriages breaking apart seem to be news is truly truly sad...and how it breaks the heart of God...

my friend Linda of "princess dominique" wrote an amazing post on it...i asked if i could post it on mine...and she graciously let me...she writes about fashion...and other "stuff" sure to check it out...

here it is...

Is Erin Berry the Cause of the Demise of the Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Marriage?

You never know what is at the root of a divorce. Inside Edition is speculating that Erin Berry (a friend of the couple-pictured below) has been texting back and forth with Eva’s husband. Imagine that. Someone being “that” friendly with your husband? I mean, gal pal shoe shopping aside it’s not that serious. Nowadays you have to be careful with the way you interact with people’s husbands or else someone is liable to run you over with a car. Or maybe I’m just talking about me.

The messages between them have reportedly gotten pretty STEAMY! Erin Berry is Tony’s former teammate Brent Berry’s ex-wife. My first thought is, “Why did they allow her to hang around so much in the first place?!?! I don’t get people. It’s like permissive parenting. What does that get you? A rotten child. The same thing goes for a marriage. You need boundaries that you DEMAND other people respect or else the CAN NOT be a part of your circle. Plain and simple.

On Facebook we were talking about a Pastor who said that the marriage people in his congregation need to DELETE Facebook because it is becoming a very common cause that has been brought up in counseling sessions that he’s had with couples and has been cited as a MAJOR problem.

As an advocate for marriage here are my thoughts with all the texting, Facebook and Twittering:

Couples need to do what’s best for them in term of whether to be on Facebook or not. If you hold your marriage in high esteem you will want to do everything in your power to protect it. If you see requests coming from old boy/girlfriends you need to bring that to the table, not hide the fact that you’ve reconnected with them on Facebook. That’s the beginning of deception and then you get tripped up.

I agree with what one friend (Rachel) said. Facebook (and the likes) aren’t a sin and if it wasn’t Facebook it would be something else ie. Twitter, Plurk, AIM–pick one. And Shamine (my good friend) is right too people cross the very boundaries that they set all the time and that’s proof that their marriage wasn’t their priority in the first place.

Your fruit is what tells on you. People can talk “words” all day but the evidence is the proof–what you “do” matters not what you “say”. You definitely have to search your heart on matters like this, but always also be aware that the enemy is just looking to stick his foot in your marriage. We have to learn to close the door to sin and stop using “trust” as a blanket word that makes us put on blinders.

A lot of women/men who trusted their husbands/wives are in divorce court now.

Guard your marriage and stop dragging your FRIENDS and FAMILY everywhere with you. A marriage is between two people. It’s bad enough that Eva and Tony both had their individuals careers that probably led them to spend only a limited amount of time together, but then when they do get together some miscellaneous chick on the rebound is toying with the sanctity of their marriage.

As you can see this is a RAW subject for me. Marriage is MORE than a piece of paper people–PLEASE get that.

Friday, November 19, 2010

one celebration at a time...

imagine my delight when my friend told me...that at her recent visit to nordstroms...there were big posters in the windows saying "we like to celebrate one holiday at a you won't see our christmas decorations until after thanksgiving"

way to go nordstroms!

this has always been a pet peeve of mine...i mean...when you are in a store before halloween has even happened...and the music is piping carols...and you see christmas trees & ornaments everywhere...are we jumping ahead a bit? my friends pick fun at me...because to this day...i refuse to play christmas music until the day after i have to is a bit hard to avoid that rule when in stores...just saying...

there are other seasons that need is all about giving thanks...why do we bypass it? what happened to giving each season its due time...

and don't get me wrong...i love is truly a magical time of year...i enjoy every aspect of it...the music...the family time...the giving of gifts...the receiving of gifts =)...the beautiful decorations...and most importantly...the wonderful gift of God's son to us...but i also want to live in the moment...and the moment for now is gearing up for thanksgiving...

although...this month is also my birthday...tomorrow to be exact...and i've been celebrating pretty much all month...and will continue to do so...but on thanksgiving will not be about my birthday...but of all the blessings & family that i am so fortunate to be a part of...

but then again...thanksgiving shouldn't be about one day...but that is an entirely separate post...

until then...enjoy your weekend...i know mine will be full of celebration...cake & family & friends...

let's celebrate each season in the moment...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

evening...then morning...

God called the light day and the darkness he called night...and there was evening and there was morning..." genesis 1:5

i was reading my bible one day and noticed a huge mistake in scripture... =) everyone knows that morning comes first...and then evening follows...right? but there it was in black and white...genesis 1:5 reads..."and there was evening...and there was morning..."

of was no mistake...somehow...God started with evening...a time of rest...and a day's productivity came out of that...

we live in a culture where rest is often viewed in a negative light...when we work...we work hard...when we play...we play hard...we know how to fill our time with our to-do list...our focus is work all day...and then eventually rest...

have you ever been hit with a situation...whether sickness...or turmoil...or an event that rocks your world? and you sit there and think...i don't have time for this...this "thing" whatever it was...or is in your life...didn't consult with your schedule...there have been events in my life that made me look at and change...or put aside a lot of things i once thought were absolutely vital...just to make it through the day...but one thing that came out of that difficult time was a new list of priorities...the first? to balance my life...

i learned how to climb between the sheets and put aside my rest my body and my slow down when life became crazy and weigh what was
important...and what was not...i began to see evening as the first part of my day...from rest...sprang morning...

it's a concept that changed my life...not just physically...but also spiritually...recently in my "things to do" were starting to be sandwiched together...and because of time with my heavenly Father became "evening..." of course there were pertinent things that needed to be done...that required my attention...but spiritual time came first all first priority was to listen to the heart of my Father instead of going over my to-do list...and out of that rest...sprang fruitful energy...i was refreshed and filled by His presence...instead of my efforts...

how often do we run out of steam because we are out of balance? i wish that i could say that i became forever balanced...but i'm not...there are times that i have to slow it down and reconsider my priorities all over again...and if physical rest or spiritual rest has been pushed to last place...i have to put it all on the table and let God help me sort through it so i can put "evening" back where it belongs...

what i am that when i push Him to last place...i miss out on hearing His voice...when i keep going until i drop...i get all tangled up in my to-do list...i know that life is busy...and i fail...which is why i need to constantly ask Him to help me discern between what is important...and what is not...reorganizing my life...and getting true rest that only comes from Him...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the old man with the matted hair...

a girlfriend sent this to had such an impact on thing that beth moore said so inspired me..."it's such a statement of God overtaking me and enabling me to do something i couldn't have no idea how dangerous you would be if you would live filled to the measure with the fullness of Christ"

watch this vidoe story and be inspired to do great things for God...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

bible study thoughts...

our bible study this time around has been based on chip ingram's "overcoming emotions that destroy"...did you know there is good and bad anger? we are learning how to gain control over to use it in constructive ways...

the first week we learned the different ways that anger is dealt with...sometimes...we see the guy/gal that spews angry words and think they have an anger is the most apparent...but chip went over three different distinct ways people handle anger...the spewer...the leaker...and the stuffer...

it was interesting to hear the group start to share what areas they saw themselves in...i saw myself in all was all dependant on the situation...on the vulnerable i was feeling...the thing is...not one is better then the can spew out horrible things and hurt someone...and can leak unneccessary comments and hurt someone...and yourself...and you can stuff...and hurt others...and yourself...

anger is a secondary comes about when we feel we have unmet needs...unmet expectations...or insecurities...and some of these can stem way back to our childhood...phew!

i can't wait till next week!

Monday, November 15, 2010

random thoughts on matthew 5...

a few random thoughts from my recent conversations with God...

the sermon on the mount in matthew 5 should be christianity are we doing? are we meek? merciful? pure in heart?

what are you doing for the next generation? can you do more? i know i can...

i’ve learned that there are a few things you can’t talk about on social media sites without causing an uproar...and usually...these are subjects i that right or wrong? every once in a blue moon...i'll throw out there what i’m praying about...questioning and/or pondering...but here’s what i’ve learned: people like their traditions...not only do they like them...they will go to ANY length to protect them...ask something that might challenge someone about holidays...anything that has to do with & arts...politics...and 99% of the time you find that people cross their arms and refuse to budge...or they fight like hell to stand up for their tradition without any real basis for why they feel that way...God reminded me that the pharisees MISSED Jesus because he didn’t fit into their traditions...He didn’t come in the time or manner they were sure that their Messiah in our comfort and traditions...we are missing Him too?

i was having a conversation with a friend of mind...she had asked me if i'd seen the previous nites episode of glee...i have never watched the show...she was telling me how she hated how christians were painted with the broad brush of hating gay people...i am...however...aware that we earned that description...i remember on so many different venues shown on the news...followers holding “God hates fags” signs and protesting...or the people with a deep hatred for jewish people and have signs that say “God hates israel” which just further proves to me that they have never opened a bible...i wonder what they think this accomplishes? i would never want to accept a God that hated me...

why are we so fearful? one small thing happens and we forget every scripture we know and everything about His character we’ve ever learned...we must not really believe His leadership is perfect...we overcome by the word of our testimony because we need to remind ourselves of how faithful He is...of all of His fingerprints throughout our lives....

christianity 101...
smile more...give more mercy...worry less...don’t be selfish or stingy...find someone who is hopeless and give them hope...don’t write anyone patient...don’t put anyone in time-out in your heart...forgive quickly and thoroughly...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

veterans day...

thank you to all the men & women...the past who have served and the present who continue to safeguard our freedom and keep us safe at home!

i hope everyone today takes a moment and remembers our past and present military and their families and the commitment and sacrifices they make in order that we can enjoy our freedom here at home...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the letting go...

some things are just hard to let go of...


relationships that have run their course...

the past...

a dream that will never happen because it was yours and not God’s...


that person who REALLY did you wrong (see, you’re thinking of them right now)

and the clothes that just don't fit...

the latter...can go two ways...holding on to those that are too tight...which seriously...why do that to yourself?

or the ones that are now too i tell my keeping are giving yourself permission to get back in those big sizes...not good...

my closet is slowly dwindling down to just my favorite items...those that i can't wait to wear...holding on to them...well...i had so many excuses...what i spent on them...what memories they held...blah blah feels good...i have to say...

the shoes...that will take a little more time... =) actually...i wear all my that isn't in need of letting go...

and i'm sticking to that...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

if only...

so a week after kate's murder...they have arrested would think somehow that makes it a little easier to accept...but it doesn't...and what is that it was a parolee...out of prison since april...where he was serving time for attempted murder of a women in fresno county...

am i glad they caught him? of course...but there are so many "if only" moments...and i know that we can't live our lives by "if only"...but it makes you wonder if by mere decisions...a different outcome would unfold...

like why would someone be let out in the streets? as if to taunt us...and for him to finish the act...the one he didn't complete on an attemted to be back in prison...not for attempted murder...but murder...

"if only" kate had stayed in argentina longer...
"if only" she had missed her flight
"if only" she had gone out that nite...
"if only" the secured building had not let in a man posing as a utility worker...

the "if only" will drive you crazy...and we can't go back and change what has happened...her death was so many are...who understands the mind of a killer...who wakes up and is the take a life...

we are not promised don't wait till then to do the things you want to say the things you need to love the ones who are in your life...

Monday, November 8, 2010

i often miss...

i often miss this little girl...
whose dreams had no barriers...
who believed in a world
where anything is possible
with a heart
that was full and unbroken...

Friday, November 5, 2010

what a week... has been...all i can that i am glad that it is almost finito...full of emotions...radical time...and..after over two months...i finally got my car back...i'm surprised i remembered how to drive it...but i did...funny thing is that i've gotten so used to not having a car...i forget now that i actually have a car...go figure...

so my brain is like mush...i really have nothing to say...other then...

may your weekend be fabulous...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

to realize...

To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
Who has given birth to a premature baby..

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

r.i.p. beautiful kate...

when my friend eileen told me i needed to meet her sister because the two of us were into "fashion" and kind of liked the same things...i never expected to meet a more vibrant & beautiful woman...who had such a zest for life...she traveled the world...and in those travels brought back beautiful baubles...we met several times after that first introduction...who would have thought that in less then a year...she would be gone...

with two people passing away this last weekend...both so i was talking to my business partner & friend today...we talked about how it is in death that we realize how life can be snatched so quickly...and how it is a not take it for granted...or those in our lives...

in kate's short life...she lived every day to the just knew that about her...but who was to know...that after a trip in buenos aires with her mother...upon her return...she would be found dead the next morning...i am angry that life was taken from her...i am angry of the violence in our world...

i am also reminded...that we are not promised tomorrow...and that some of the things we so focus on...stupid mis-understandings...long lines...little the big picture...are just so not important...

live your life to the fullest...hug your loved ones...tell them you love them...each and every chance you get...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

r.i.p. michael...

i consider it a true privilege to have known you were a true example of being are definately in a better place...but we here on earth are missing out by not having you around...thank you for being such an incredible will be missed...

in loving memory...

our high school reunion - michael to my left

Monday, November 1, 2010

i asked why...

as humans i think it is quite normal to ask the question a christian...many times...i think we are just better off not knowing the reasons why things have happened...and in some are given the ability to see the reasons why something or someone was kept from you...and all you can do is know in your heart...that it was in the Lord's will...for sure...

this weekend...i did question why...when i rec'd a message on friday evening that my good friend eileen's sister was found murdered in san francisco...i asked why...i had met eileen's sister several times...such a sweet woman...and vibrant...and here her life was cut such a young age...i asked why...

then a day later...i get a message that my dear friend michael...from high school...passed away...i just saw him at our high school reunion a little over a month ago...i asked why...

we don't always understand why things happen...and we may question it...and i think that is ok...even though we may never know why...

Friday, October 29, 2010

root root rooting...

what about those giants?? we've had an exciting two games...i have to say...i've been on the edge of my seat...i really thought the runs & scores would be a lot more tight...but...well...that surely hasn't been the the giants have been kicking some serious bootay...rangers bootay to be exact...

i do have to admit though...i was feeling a bit sad for the rangers...they looked so sad and defeated...i mean i am sure they were just as thrilled to be in this dream come true moment...

but...i'm root root rooting for the giants...

may this be their year! it is truly like a cinderella story...and personally...i like the fact that this team has really rallied big star standing out...just a team working together...which goes to show you...when teamwork is done right...the wonderful things that come out of that...

have a fabulous weekend!

stay safe!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

only you...

i have never wanted to be famous...i have seen fame steal...kill and destroy people...relationships and lives...and the sad that i have witnessed this MORE in the “christian” or "church" circles then anywhere has always been my desire to just be write about my journey and share them in hopes that someone will find healing in them...that was MY hasn’t dawned on me until recently to ask God what His plan was for me and for the gifts He’s given me... =)

maybe your goal is to write a song that’s so catchy it will pay your bills for the rest of your life...maybe you want the world to hear you sing or see you dance because you’re so much better than “so and so”...maybe you want to design the best website because you have something to prove...

the thing is...there will ALWAYS be someone who sings better...dances better...designs better...writes better...but there will NEVER be another YOU...only YOU can do YOU...

only you can be that kind of friend...only you can love those kids that call you mom or dad and think you hung the moon...only you can worship through the way you give...

if I never play another note or sing another melody...or write another post...i want to know that my life was worship and that it was enough...that my success came simply because He loves me and i love Him...and everything else He lets me do is just spilled out because of that love...

stop comparing...stop criticizing...let them be them and learn to be ok with YOU...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

no more denial...

ok...i have been in denial long enough...refusing to put the heater if by some chance that would make the weather turn back to summer? =) i know...crazy...and i do this every year...but today was the day...i turned the heater on... still works...after a year of not being on...i guess that is good...i must focus on all the beautiful fall clothes that i love to wear...and the beautiful fall leaves in the neighborhood...

the cold...well...i guess that comes with the season...and without it...the holidays wouldn't be near...

and well...summer...won't it be here before i know it? maybe a part of me is still in denial...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

my model...

i am always loving the look of mixing patterns...some of my clients are definately willing to try it...some...maybe...but in baby steps...and some just flat out don't get it...and that is personally...the more mixing the better...

i have had an enormous burst of clients bringing over clothes for the consignment with that comes a living room full of lots of clothes...and lots of shopping bags...

can you imagine my delight when my little one eyed wonder sasha...chose this shopping bag to sit in? could my love of mixing patterns be rubbing off on him? =)
how can you not want to squish him??

Monday, October 25, 2010

waiting on direction...

do you pray for direction...and then hear nothing? do you wonder if God even heard your prayers? if are not alone...often i come before God...pouring out my heart in prayer...seeking His will for different areas in my life...then i hear nothing...He is silent...not wanting to wait...i forge ahead on my my busyness...i fail to sit and time...i say...because someone is waiting for an time...i say...because i need to act now...

yet...when i read the scriptures...God consistently teaches: sit, pray, and wait...oh so hard to do least for me... =) yet when i look to the life of Jesus for direction...i see a clear sense of this...sit, pray, and wait...Jesus began His ministry by fasting forty days alone in the wilderness...He spent an entire night alone in prayer before choosing His twelve disciples...

and there are others...

esther fasted and prayed for three days before she took the bold and courageous step of going before the king on behalf of her people...knowing it could mean her death...

elijah went into the wilderness for forty days to hear the "still small voice..."

i'm seeing a pattern

what do these great people of faith teach us? to know God's hear His voice...we must listen and wait...maybe we think God is silent because we never take the time to sit in God's Word and wait...when we do...He promises it will penetrate us to the marrow of our the deepest places in our says His word is living and active and "sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow..."

when we choose to get alone with God...He promises to meet us of my favorite verses...jeremiah 29:13-14 says..."you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart...I will be found by you.." i have really been challenged lately to meet Him in His word...

do you want direction? these are the steps i am taking...

- read God's word: 2 timothy 3:16-17 says, "all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the [woman] of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work..." there is something about knowing that God was actively involved in the writing of scripture...what better way to speak truth into your life?

- study God's word: 2 timothy 2:15 says, "do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth..." when you study His word...He plants it deep within your heart...bends your heart...enabling you to hear His voice.

- pray God's word: isaiah 55:11 says, " is My word that goes out from My mouth: it will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purposes for which I sent it..." prayer is God's living word spoken out of your mouth...when you pray in hold God's word up to Him in prayer... you put Him in remembrance of His word...and His promise is that word will not return void...and most shall accomplish that which He purposes and pleases...

so what happens when we apply God's word to the circumstances in our lives? we can rest assured that when we do...God promises to do abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine...i for one...want that more then about you?

what i know is that i need direction in my life today...and right now...God seems distant and silent...yet i know that He is not because He promises to never leave me or forsake commit to search the word...and in that...i know that my eyes will be open that i may see the wonderful things in His word...

Lord...give me eyes to see and ears to hear Your direction in my circumstances...thank you...Lord...that in my seeking...You will meet me...and as i trust in You completely...You will lead me down Your paths...

Friday, October 22, 2010

rain?? is quite obvi that i am still in mazatlan mode...but not only my head...but my body...i have been freezing all week! and now...what is this i see? rain...sheesh...mazatlan...can i come back to you?? sigh...

but dispite this yucky weather...this weekend is looking to be full of some fun events including our family annual cousins party...crazy family = crazy times... =)

so...stay dry...and enjoy your weekend!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

therefore...NO condemnation...

one of my favorite verses...therefore, there is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." romans 8:1

and yet...sometimes...i still need reminding of this incredible has comforted me many times in my gives us freedom from the condemnation we often project on ourselves...if God promises freedom...then why is it so hard for us to believe, feel and grasp the fact that there is indeed "no condemnation" for christians?

self-condemnation just comes natural to me...and to alot of people...if i didn't purposefully keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and remind myself of who i am in Christ...i'd beat myself to pieces with condemning thoughts and about you?

the Lord has the neatest ways of reminding me there is no condemnation as His child...just this morning God spoke to me directly through a devotion i read...i felt as if the author had been following me around and knew exactly what i needed to hear...actually i knew it was God who knew exactly what i needed to read... "do not listen to voices of accusation for they are not from Me..."

hello Lord...are you talking to me? You know that i sometimes feel down and disappointed in myself...You knew my feelings had been hurt by someone's comments...i hear You telling me not to listen to the voices of accusation...thank you for that reminder right when i needed it...

the devotion continued..."pause before responding to people or My Spirit space to act through you...hasty words and actions leave no room for Me..." that You again? You know that i spoke hastily to my mom a few days ago and You reminded me to "pause before responding..." thank you Lord for bringing me these words as a reminder of what You want from me...i needed these today...right now...

i get so excited and amazed when this just affirms that God cares about me...He loves me...He is real in my life today...have you ever had a "God moment" like this?

if left to defend myself from self-condemnation and condemnation from others...i'd be defeated every time...fortunately we don't have to defend fact..."the Lord Himself will fight for you" (exodus 14:13-14)...we have the greatest defender in God and His we take the time to listen to Him...He can remind us that He is with us...He loves us...and it's true..."there is NO CONDEMNATION in Christ Jesus!"

so...Lord...when i forget...please remind me that i am not me to see the difference between conviction and condemnation and keep my eyes and thoughts on You...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

back to reality...

this was my lovely view every morning for the last 7 days...les it is back to reality...i accomplished what i set out to do in mexico...and that was i did! i read three books...lounged by the pool...dipped my toes in the ocean...and soaked up a lot of sun...and most of all...relaxed like i didn't have a care in the world...

so thankful to my parents for giving me this trip at such a much needed was just what the doctor ordered...ok...maybe not...but close... =)

Monday, October 11, 2010

grabbing my books...

i have always been an avid reader...usually 2 books a week...minimum one for sure...but lately...not so much..just so much going tomorrow morning when i board the plane for a week in books are coming with me...i'm taking 4...i hope that is enough =) and various magazines...for a nice variety...i am so looking forward to sitting on the beach...or by the pool (so many options...can you stand it?) and reading reading reading...

talk about the ultimate relaxation...i'll be gone till next week!

Friday, October 8, 2010

fall leaves...

i saw my first fall leaf...although it looked NOTHING like the picture below...fall is definately in the air...well...almost...not quite...i'm sure people wonder at times how nothing of what i say makes sense...but it does to me...for example...i am clinging to the warm weather...don't want it to go all...and on a side note...we have probably had some of our best "summer" weather this last week...

but on the other hand...i so long for fall days...but only because my favorite clothing season is the rich colors...the greens, what's a girl to do? can't have both at the same when i saw my first fall leaf...i thought...ok...maybe i'm ready to let go of the warm weather...until i stepped outside early this morning and got a gust of cool morning air...=)

i know i's quite the dilemma...i guess whatever comes will come...being that i don't control the weather...and THAT is probably a good i will continue to look for the beautiful fall leaves...all 5 of them that spring up in the bay area...wouldn't it be wild to have fall look like it does in the east coast? talk about a vibrant fall!!

enjoy your weekend looking for those fall leaves...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

surprises like that...

yesterday was the last day of "the savvy chic event" in our new boutique...getting close to closing time...adena & i were already packing up some of the merchandise to send back to the vendors...i was just telling adena a few hours before how i was looking forward to my skype date with my niece who is in the east coast attending college...

so we are packing up the boxes...when the door opens up...and we see a girl standing there...i'm looking at her...thinking...why does she look so familiar...while at the same time thinking...a we are tearing literally took me a few moments for it to register...that standing there at the door was my lovely niece...from the east coast...that should explain how exhausted i was at this point =)

what a surprise...sneaky thing that she is...she knew all along that she was flying she planned the skype date...looked up the boutique hours...etc...and here she was...

we went out for some catching up done...she is here for a short time...but back for thanksgiving...i have to tell much as i love our skype dates...nothing compares to sitting across the table from her...chit chatting away...

gotta love surprises like that...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

God's phone number...

Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trial.

You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep,
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they're bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.

I thank you God, for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall..

Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.

So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!

P.S. Please bless all my friends and family too.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

longest password ever...

During a recent password audit, it was found that a
blonde was using the following password:


When asked why she had such a long password, she said
she was told that it had to be at least 8 characters
long and include at least one capital.


Monday, October 4, 2010's me...

i feel like i have been gone forever! but it has only been a week...actually a little less then a much is going on...grand opening of my store was a huge success...we are open for three more days...and then we close till the next event...i am amazed at all that was done in such a short amount of time...adena (my business partner & good friend) and i really are a great team...we work well together...the best that we think a lot alike...when we need to...when making decisions...and then we work well in thinking up new stratgies...

we've been working hard...but in it has been really fun...we've had some great customers come by...and got great reviews on our concept...

what else...what else...we are now in october...when did that happen?? my mamacita had her birthday...still up in the air if i'm going to mexico next week...haven't quite decided...have you noticed all my last minute trips lately? really not my style of traveling...but i'm adapting...

well...i just wanted to post an there it is...i'll check in soon...unless i'm sunning in mexico =)...which at this point sounds kind of...well...REALLY inviting...

we shall see...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my slacker side...

what what what?? it is 9:27 pm...and i'm just starting on the blogs...both about the slacker in me =)...truth be told...i may not have a lot of time alotted to this lovely blog i love to post to...there is just not enough hours in the day lately...and i don't want to write...just to write...kind of like i'm doing right now...but really...i'm trying to explain my slackiness...

grand opening of my store tomorrow last week has been cah-ray-zee...and in that...i'm talking manual labor! but...the boutique is ready...and i need to get a good nite's i can be refreshed to welcome all my customers to the grand opening...

so...if i'm not here everyday...please is not from not wanting to...just need to pick and choose at this point what "needs" to get done...and what can wait...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

when did i get here?

seems like the last month or so has just flow by...these last few weeks have been pretty grueling...but many new things happening in my business...some scary...some risky...but all falling into place...that is two ways about it...

and although the days are long...and the future is really unknown...the doors have been opening up...and i am choosing to walk through them by faith...knowing that He is leading me...and all i need to do is trust Him...and continue on my path...

my friends have been amazing...encouraging...praying...cheering me keeps me keeps me grounded...

i am excited & nervous of my new happening at the same time...but excited as a child...for the wonderful opportunities God has in store...

Monday, September 27, 2010

how yah feeling?

therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." matthew: 7:24-27

do you know what amazes me about those verses above? both the person doing right and the person doing wrong experienced hard both cases the rains came...the streams rose...and the wind blew and beat against the house...

just because we're christians living out God's principles for life...does not mean we won't face difficult circumstances...the difference being a christian makes is how the difficulties affect us...if we are hearing and heeding God through our prayer time and reading His word...then we will be able to stand strong in the storms of life...our faith will not be shaken and our identity will not be rattled...

have you ever felt as a friend, wife, mother, daughter...whatever your position in life is...that sometimes you feel only as good as your last interaction with someone close to you? a friend tells you that you hurt her feelings and suddenly you feel like a bad forget to take the cookies you signed up to bring to the church nursery and suddenly you feel unreliable and disorganized...or maybe you are looking for some important papers...and when you can't find the file...suddenly you feel like you can't be trusted with important paperwork...

what would your normal reaction be in this situation? would it be to get frustrated...short tempered...and beat yourself up while tearing the house apart looking for the missing papers?

how about this approach? going from defining yourself as a failure to being a praying woman (or man) who can face a hardship in a godly way...the frustration can be diffused and determined to look at any situation from God's perspective...

when hard times come and beat against our stability...we must be determined to hear God's words and put them into practice...then nothing can topple our true identity...

Friday, September 24, 2010

beautiful, beautiful...

i am so in love with this song...everytime it comes on...i stop whatever it is i am doing...just to listen and grasp every word...may it resonate with you today...may you realize that by His grace...your life is beautiful, beautiful...

enjoy the weekend!

"beautiful, beautiful"
francesca battistelli

don't know how it is You looked at me
and saw the person that i could be
awakening my heart, breaking through the dark
suddenly Your grace

like sunlight burning at midnight
making my life something so beautiful, beautiful
mercy reaching to save me, all that i need
You are so beautiful, beautiful

now there's a joy inside i can't contain
but even perfect days can end in rain
and though it's pouring down, i see You through the clouds
shining on my face

like sunlight burning at midnight
making my life something so beautiful, beautiful
mercy reaching to save me, all that i need
You are so beautiful, beautiful

i have come undone
but i have just begun
changng by Your grace

beautiful, beautiful

listen here...sorry...unable to embed it...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the judgment of others...

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble..." 1 peter 5:5

how differently might our lives be if we didn't have to fear the harsh criticisms of other people? might we be willing to step out a little bolder for Jesus? might we be willing to be a little more vulnerable? might we live our lives a little less guarded?

people judging other people must absolutely break God's heart...the crazy thing is when we judge others...we elevate ourselves past the ability to recognize our own propensity to sin in the very area we are me a person who is leveling a judgment against another person...and i will show you a person who is wrapped in sin themseves...

if it's not the very same sin they are will be a sin just as dangerous...pride...

it is a subtle shift that satan invites us into...voicing criticisms against others will coat the eyes of our soul with smut so thick...we become blinded to our own sin...pride and self-righteousness will detour us from God's best path and lead us on a treacherous journey of denial...we'll deny our own sinfulness...we'll deny our own need for grace...

those who can't see their own desperate need for grace...refuse to freely give grace to others...

now...if you're like may be tempted to start making a mental list of those who you have felt judged by and you started praying a few sentences back: "please let so and so hear this message...oh i hope they see themselves in this and get a whammy of conviction..." ever thought those thoughts during a great sermon??

but...let's stop making that mental list and receive this message personally...even if we aren't naturally critical people...this is an area we can all grow in...

i recently read a wonderful quote outlining a beautiful plan when we feel tempted to judge someone else...francis frangipane in his book "holiness, truth, and the presence of God" says, "anyone can pass judgment - but can they lay down their lives in love, intercession and faith for the one judged? can they target an area of need and rather than criticizing, fast and pray, asking God to supply the very virtue they feel lacking? and then persevere in that love - motivated prayer until that fallen area blooms in godliness? such is the life Christ commands we follow!" (pg.11)

i know just posting this post will not suddenly make the world tip on it's axis and shake all of us people into breaking the cycle of criticisms and will be a start...if it causes even one of us to fall in front of Jesus in repentance and allow Him to wipe the smut of pride and self-righteousness from our spiritual will be a great it start with me...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ever wonder?


Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

When Jesus died on the cross, He was thinking of you!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

clothing of the future...

i had posted this clip originally on my business blog...fabulous finds...and although it has to do with fashion...i thought i would post it here...this is where a group of designers in the 1930's were asked what they thought fashion would look like in the year 2000...some of it was pretty spot on...the commentator cracks me stern and professional...and what is with the "candy for cuties"?