Wednesday, September 3, 2008


i'm not quite sure when my love for shoes started...all i know is that i have many pairs...flats & stiletto's...there is no in between for me...and i still could buy more...

today i went on a little shopping trip with my mom - no matter where i are the last thing i look at...part of that is saving the best for last...but a big part of it is that i know that i know...that i will most likely..always find a pair...

today was no exception...i found the most luxurious pair of mui mui black patent leather shoes with a sexy gold heel...a sexy 4" gold i just have to find something to wear them with!

my mom does not understand my love for shoes...but that is ok...but try and explain to a non- shoe lover...why you need another pair of black stiletto's...and how they are different from the "many" black ones already in your closet...well it can prove to be difficult..lucky for me...i don't much care if people understand or me...they are each unique and not like any other...

i remember once at a ladies brunch at church - there was a woman at the next table that i had not i went over and introduced myself to her...and she says to me..." are the girl in choir that has killer shoes on every sunday!" ok - now that is a compliment...
she went on to tell every sunday she looks to see what my shoes look!

i can't wait to wear my new shoes...the challenge is making an outfit absolutely perfect to showcase some work ahead of me...but i think i'm up for the challenge!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG...don't get me started on shoes...what an addiction. Jessica did a little study on shoes for a school project a while back and she interviewed three people...I was one of those people and one of the questions many shoes do you own? Well, since the girls and I wear the same size we were in the triple digets. I was disgusted at myself...but in counting my shoes I set aside all the shoes that I was going to donate and discovered shoes that I forgot I had and now I wear often. I watch myself now but I still try them on and window shop. It's good therapy for me. It's a quick fix to having a sad day or feeling depressed, unfortunately Melissa has inherited the same love of shoes and at 15 that's scary.