Thursday, December 18, 2008

#8 on the board...

i did it!

since my december is so slow with my regular job...i decided to make some use of my time...and work at good old nordies for christmas...

my mom has worked there forever (seriously) of the things she would always talk about...was walking up the employee stairs...on the second landing...a big board shows the top ten sales people from prior day... goal was to get on that board...

this morning i was #8...on my fifth day on the that is a great feeling...if mom didn't she was running late...and just ran up the stairs...and didn't look ;o(...
when i told her...she said she was going to go look on her break...kinda cute huh? awww...

this job has been an interesting job...i had my reservations about applying...part of me felt like it was a step back for me...being that i had done retail back in high school...i realized that it was a pride issue that i needed to deal with...and i did...

i needed to look on the good aspects of working there...first and foremost...nordies is all about customer service...something that i feel is lost in almost every other store you walk i liked that part of it...

i really enjoy helping people find the right gift...or helping those who need help in their that sealed the deal...

but then again...i needed to be hired...

i remember going in to the open interview...there were about 50 of us in the room...i felt a bit deflated at that point...but i knew that i just needed to represent myself...and if it was meant to would be...i interviewed with two managers...then i was escorted out the door...and told that i would hear in about a week...

the next day!! yes the next day they called and offered me a position...i was surprised...and told them that...seems that both managers were wanting me...and they didn't want to lose they called right away...

that deflated feeling? well it was gone...

but back to the reminded me of my competitive spirit...i have always been competitive in my career...but not at anyone else's expense...being at this showed me some who are very cut throat...i lost many many sales...right from under me...but i was determined to let His light shine...

i know that nothing i do is without the Lord...He has made each of us unique...and it is our job to use that uniqueness for His matter what the circumstances...

so was i upset when some of the other sales people rang up my sales under their own? yeah...i'm human after all...they knew that i job was to react in the best the same time not being a pushover...
silently i prayed...that the Lord would give me opportunities to show His love...and i believe that He did...i also believe He sent me the right the right get me to get to #8 on the board...

1 comment:

Corey Matelli said...

I'm betting you'll continue to climb the charts!