Monday, December 29, 2008

the in-between...

the week following christmas has always seemed like such a strange time for me...

there is the big realization that christmas is over...kind of like a wedding...all the planning...and's over...

then there is the anticipation of the new year's eve celebrations...and the start of a new year...

the last week of the year...i tend to just want to hibernate...sleep it away...but what i usually end up doing is a lot of thinking...sometimes a bit too much thinking...

i analyze the year...what went right...what went wrong...what i could have done better...what i could have done more of...what i could have done less of...

it is a time of reflection...but is a time of refreshing...a time to think about what i would like to on...make better...not only for me...but for those around me...those that are in my life...

there are the standards...balancing your life so that there is equal time of work, play and alone time...

one of the things that i seem to focus more i get spending quality time on myself...and giving of myself to others...seems like two opposites...but i have found...that if you do not give time to have very little to give others...

as resolutions are made...and broken...i myself want to be realistic in my approach to the new year...but i also want to push better clean out the bad or the time consuming things that bring nothing into my life...

i want to stretch learn give soar...

how do i do this? for starts with prayer...really digging deep and realizing what the Lord's will in my life is...what He would like me to do...i feel as i continue in my walk with Him...draw closer to Him...i ultimately am in His will for my He directs and leads i am open to His promptings...

there is an excitement for the new year...the last quarter of this year has been one of alot of healing...growing...forgiving...and a hard look at my life...where it is at...where i thought it would be...where i hope it will be...

the new year has a look of newness...adventure...surprises...

what remains the same...are my close knit circle of family and friends...and my Lord and Savior leading me...

i am fully equipped to move forward...moving forward with anticipation and excitement...

i have no idea what 09 has in store for me...but i am ready...truly ready...

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