Wednesday, June 10, 2009

chit chat about the cats...

it is looking quite dreary outside...aren't we in june? may be the culprit of my melancholy mood...
i have been sitting in front of this blank blogger page for what seems like hours...but it has only been 30 minutes...i guess it is helping a bit...that my sweet cat chester is snoozing on my lap...the warmth of his body keeping me warm in this chilly morning...

he just looked up at me...the clicking of the keys must have startled him...i sometimes wonder what he wonders as he looks at me so cute and cat like...

when i am oohing and cooing over him...i like to think that he is adoringly thinking..."i've got the best mom"...but in reality...i'm sure he is thinking..."my mom is a bit whacked today"...or maybe...he is not thinking anything at all...but he is my cat...and since he can't speak other than cat speak...i will go with my first thought...

today's post is truly...random thoughts about nothing...i really enjoy writing in my goal is always a post a day with weekends off...i haven't really swayed from that too much...other than a few days...that ended up being due to either vacation or just super swamped with a trunk show...

now little sasha (my other kittie) is peering over the one-eyed rambunctious...he is peering over the laptop as if to say "am i not the cutest thing ever?" yes...he is...a little quirky...a little slow...haha...but i love his energy...and the moments he slows down a bit...just to stop and stare...

am i becoming the wierd cat lady? is just a writers block day...and since my cats are around...i'm blogging about them...they truly are like family...i don't care what others say...they have grown from tiny kittens to two very different cats...two totally different personalities...and both have brought such joy to me...when i am at home...

i think the honest this weather makes me not want to do here is wishing for the sun to come back soon...until it does...i will take from the sunshine chester & sasha give me...

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