Tuesday, June 23, 2009

when change comes...

it amazes me sometimes how quickly life takes a turn...and everything that was comfortable...routine...is no longer valid...

last week for me was like that...although the turn was mild...not because of illness, or tragedy...or anything life shattering (thank God!) it still had a major affect on my life, my thoughts, my plans and my goals...

the great thing about change...is that in a way it can be a do-over...or a do-better...at least that is how i choose to look at it...i see it as a new adventure...a new opportunity...but in the midst of all that "good" thinking...there is chaos...and timing...and new goals...and re-organization...

all of that was taking place last week...and is continuing on this week...and i assume will continue on for the next few weeks...i crave these little "kick-in-the-pants" moments...because it allows one to re-group and re-focus...with a new found intensity...that sometimes gets a little mellow with time and routine...

although there is much stress around me...there has been affirmation after affirmation that the decision that i made was the right one...and it is probably because of those affirmations...that the stress is a manageable one...because i know that the end result is where i need to be...

so in the mean time...i will do what i need to do...in the ability that i have when i can...and look forward to a new adventure...

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