Monday, June 1, 2009

desserts is stressed spelled backwards...

i woke up this morning really tired...after a nite of many strange dreams...i only remember them being strange...because i have a tendency to wake up and, that was really out there...gotta remember it to tell so and so...and no...i don't write it so many have told me to i woke up this morning...not remembering the dreams...but remembering that i had thought to myself...that they were strange...

i guess it is not that important to me to remember...otherwise i guess i would do what everyone suggests i do...

the point of this post...was really to start off describing my restless nite...and the reason for waking up tired...

i do remember that i woke up several times during the lay there and watch the blue numbers on my clock slowly change...and me...well...i am just praying to fall asleep...

so then i started thinking...what is keeping me up? i guess the easier question would be...what isn't keeping me up? i find that i tend to think way too much...about things that are out of my control...not sure if i somehow feel that in the "thinking about it" stage...i am somehow contributing...when truly...if i step outside the situation...i realize...that all i am contributing is a pretty much done deal that i will not be sleeping well...

so when i woke this morning...i forced myself to stay in bed...and hopefully get some needed sleep...and i did...about two hours worth...but by was well after nine...and i got out of bed feeling stressed that i was now behind in all that i needed to do today...

as i wandered through my day...i really started focusing on how hard i have been on myself...if i'm tired...why not just take some time off...and relax...instead i heap on more stress...because in allowing myself to sleep in...i now am behind...

as i'm writing this...i'm thinking...does any of this even make any sense??

i ended up accomplishing more than i thought i would...but not as much as i had hoped to...
so i can do one of two things...stress some more...or relax a bit...take the pressure off...and know that tomorrow is a new day...

since i really want a good nites sleep tonite...i am opting for the relaxing part...
i heard a line in a movie recently..."desserts is stressed spelled backwards"

so i'm also opting for some yummy dessert...the answer for this stressed out least for tonite...

and tomorrow...well tomorrow is a new day...

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