Monday, June 29, 2009

garage sale our way...

saturday was a perfect day for a garage i trudged a bunch of my "junk" err "treasures" over to my sister-in-law's house...i looked forward to making lots and lots of money...

although i made a little was not enough to retire on...the day brought in some wonderful people...none the less...

my sister-in-law & i have been having garage sales for many years...and i have to say...we have quite a system...we have managed to have our garage sales set-up pretty much like an actual store...we have our electronics dept, kitchen & bath, clothing, accessories...etc...we have also learned the art of set-up and take-down to a science...

the day starts off with my brother making us girls breakfast...a good hearty get our strength up for the day...and then mid day...he is prepping lunch for us as well...
this day started with eggs & bacon...and lunch was VERY spicy chicken lips were burning for quite a while after lunch...oh...and i can't forget the margarita...especially since it ended up being a scorcher of a day...

one of the fun parts during our garage sale how many repeat customers we have had over the soon as they see our sign...they are back...back to find more treasures...our junk...

as i ventured back to my home...and saw the masses of stuff i am still trying to filter through towards my simplistic life...i realized that we will probably be needing to do one or two more garage sales...or who knows...i may just get tired of looking at it...and make a major trip out to the goodwill store...

when i think back on the day...what i realize is that the fun is in the conversations with the customers...the sillyness of my nieces...and a fun family day...basking in the sunshine...

the only thing better...would have been if we were in the mama van going from garage sale to garage sale...collecting treasures from other peoples junk...

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