Tuesday, June 9, 2009

every day is a new day...

saw an interesting update today on twitter...

"one day your life will flash before your eyes...make sure it's worth watching"

it is interesting how a certain phrase or quote will jump out at you...and possibly stop you dead in your tracks...and possibly make you think for a moment...

i thought about my life...well..the life i've lived so far...and although...i never in a million years...thought i would be where i am today...it still turned out pretty ok...

i think the key for me...has always been not to dwell on what i don't have...but what i do have...and lets be honest...i am human...and i have the moments that i think about what i don't have...or think about how i thought my life would be...but i don't allow myself to be there for long...

all in all...i have a pretty good life...i have a great family...and most of them live close by...i have incredible friends...real friends...the ones that are there for you...when it really counts...
i have a job i absolutely love...i have my health...i have a nice comfortable home...i have my two fuzzy companions...and i have a man who adores me...

as i get older...i see God's working in my life as well as those of my friends and family...there are times we are without something...that we may desire or long for...and for whatever reason...it doesn't work out the way we would like...but God in His incredible being...fills in those holes of our lives...with just what we long or desire for...but maybe not in the packaging we were expecting...

the key...here...is not to get so bogged down with thinking about the thing we wanted...and miss the blessing in another package...

one movie that really hit home for me...along the same topic of this post...was "under the tuscan sun" diane lane...who after a bad break-up...spoke of the things she longed for...and in the end...she got every single thing that she wanted...but it took her stepping outside of her thinking...in how these longings were to be delivered...

when i look back on my life...i don't think there is one thing that i would change...because i know that i know...that through every happy moment, every heartache...ever memory...it all happened to get me to where i am today...

i do not take for granted every new day given to me...living in the moment...and not "waiting" for life to happen...but making it happen...one day at a time...

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