saturday was a perfect day for a garage i trudged a bunch of my "junk" err "treasures" over to my sister-in-law's house...i looked forward to making lots and lots of money...
although i made a little was not enough to retire on...the day brought in some wonderful people...none the less...
my sister-in-law & i have been having garage sales for many years...and i have to say...we have quite a system...we have managed to have our garage sales set-up pretty much like an actual store...we have our electronics dept, kitchen & bath, clothing, accessories...etc...we have also learned the art of set-up and take-down to a science...
the day starts off with my brother making us girls breakfast...a good hearty get our strength up for the day...and then mid day...he is prepping lunch for us as well...
this day started with eggs & bacon...and lunch was VERY spicy chicken lips were burning for quite a while after lunch...oh...and i can't forget the margarita...especially since it ended up being a scorcher of a day...
one of the fun parts during our garage sale how many repeat customers we have had over the soon as they see our sign...they are back...back to find more treasures...our junk...
as i ventured back to my home...and saw the masses of stuff i am still trying to filter through towards my simplistic life...i realized that we will probably be needing to do one or two more garage sales...or who knows...i may just get tired of looking at it...and make a major trip out to the goodwill store...
when i think back on the day...what i realize is that the fun is in the conversations with the customers...the sillyness of my nieces...and a fun family day...basking in the sunshine...
the only thing better...would have been if we were in the mama van going from garage sale to garage sale...collecting treasures from other peoples junk...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
my friday friend lunch...
awww friday...what a lovely day...
had an awesome lunch with my good good good friend g...visiting from out of town...
we chatted it up for over two hours...laughed...reminisced...and caught up... i was two years old when i met her...she was is our story...
she is a faithful reader of my blog...(thanks g for your continued support and encouragement) she wanted to follow me...and me being the techno blogger that i am...couldn't assist her... (i haven't been able to figure it out myself)
she laughed at my "cleaning" posts...mentioning that it seemed as though i have been talking about cleaning for years...she would probably be right in her assessment...but this time...i am on a major day soon i will be able to blog about my clean simplified home...
she intrigued me with a picture she said she found of me...i think i was 14 or 15...she said her husband liked the that makes me laugh...he didn't recognize that it was when she told him...i'm sure he was thinking..."blackmail pic"...
but i know my girl g will protect me...haha
i know i say it over and over...i guess sometimes i don't understand why i am so blessed with such incredible friends...and i don't take them for i need to say it...again and again...
how rich my life is...because of the wonderful people i get to call my close friends...
love you g!
had an awesome lunch with my good good good friend g...visiting from out of town...
we chatted it up for over two hours...laughed...reminisced...and caught up... i was two years old when i met her...she was is our story...
she is a faithful reader of my blog...(thanks g for your continued support and encouragement) she wanted to follow me...and me being the techno blogger that i am...couldn't assist her... (i haven't been able to figure it out myself)
she laughed at my "cleaning" posts...mentioning that it seemed as though i have been talking about cleaning for years...she would probably be right in her assessment...but this time...i am on a major day soon i will be able to blog about my clean simplified home...
she intrigued me with a picture she said she found of me...i think i was 14 or 15...she said her husband liked the that makes me laugh...he didn't recognize that it was when she told him...i'm sure he was thinking..."blackmail pic"...
but i know my girl g will protect me...haha
i know i say it over and over...i guess sometimes i don't understand why i am so blessed with such incredible friends...and i don't take them for i need to say it...again and again...
how rich my life is...because of the wonderful people i get to call my close friends...
love you g!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
accumulated junk...err treasures...
how much junk can one person accumulate in 40+ years??
as i have been on this quest to simplify my out...trips to the goodwill...garage would think that my house would be empty...but alas...tis not the case =(
i have felt so overwhelmed in this undertaking...but i have really tried to focus on doing what i can...when i just seems like every drawer i open...every door i open...there is just mounds and mounds of junk...that i am sure at one time was something that i felt i needed...or wanted...and now...i wonder...what was i thinking...
this would seem ok if it were one or two items...but is not...
i have seriously thought about just lighting a match to it all...wouldn't that be the quickest most efficient way to clear everything out? but...even though i have thought will not happen...i love my little home...
so i continue through the mounds of junk...accumulated in every room, every closet, every drawer...hoping that soon..someday soon...i may actually start seeing a dent in my work...a glimmer of that simple life i so long for...
until then...i guess i will continue filling up the bags and heading to the goodwill...and/or have another garage sale...
one women's junk is another women's treasure??
as i have been on this quest to simplify my out...trips to the goodwill...garage would think that my house would be empty...but alas...tis not the case =(
i have felt so overwhelmed in this undertaking...but i have really tried to focus on doing what i can...when i just seems like every drawer i open...every door i open...there is just mounds and mounds of junk...that i am sure at one time was something that i felt i needed...or wanted...and now...i wonder...what was i thinking...
this would seem ok if it were one or two items...but is not...
i have seriously thought about just lighting a match to it all...wouldn't that be the quickest most efficient way to clear everything out? but...even though i have thought will not happen...i love my little home...
so i continue through the mounds of junk...accumulated in every room, every closet, every drawer...hoping that soon..someday soon...i may actually start seeing a dent in my work...a glimmer of that simple life i so long for...
until then...i guess i will continue filling up the bags and heading to the goodwill...and/or have another garage sale...
one women's junk is another women's treasure??
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
special moments...
what a lovely day...
a friend of mine was in town from my good friend a & i headed into the city for a nice "girl's" lunch...a beautiful sunny day in san francisco...
my girlfriend a picked a lovely spot in the westin hotel called "ducca"...let me tell you...good choice! as soon as we walked in...i loved the decor...with its lovely clusters of chandeliers and beautiful wallpaper...i was "in love" and wanted to take the decor home with me...
we spotted our friend k from oregon...and since the three of us are in the fashion per usual...the first moments were spent hugging and oohing and aahing over each others outfits...and shoes...=)
the three of us go back to our juliana days...we met at previews...and instantly connected...and always kept in touch...looks like we will be together we chatted up about our businesses and such...i sat back and thought how blessed i am to have these incredible women in my life...who call me "friend"
the food was incredible...including dessert...and after a few hours of chatting it up...we sent k off in the right direction for some "city" shopping...
these are those special moments that need to be cherished...special moments with friends...
in the middle of this post...i stopped to answer my phone...another friend of mine is going to be in town this friday...and i was the first person she was calling to see if i was free...
looks like friday will be another "special moments" day...
i can't seem to wipe the smile off my face...
a friend of mine was in town from my good friend a & i headed into the city for a nice "girl's" lunch...a beautiful sunny day in san francisco...
my girlfriend a picked a lovely spot in the westin hotel called "ducca"...let me tell you...good choice! as soon as we walked in...i loved the decor...with its lovely clusters of chandeliers and beautiful wallpaper...i was "in love" and wanted to take the decor home with me...
we spotted our friend k from oregon...and since the three of us are in the fashion per usual...the first moments were spent hugging and oohing and aahing over each others outfits...and shoes...=)
the three of us go back to our juliana days...we met at previews...and instantly connected...and always kept in touch...looks like we will be together we chatted up about our businesses and such...i sat back and thought how blessed i am to have these incredible women in my life...who call me "friend"
the food was incredible...including dessert...and after a few hours of chatting it up...we sent k off in the right direction for some "city" shopping...
these are those special moments that need to be cherished...special moments with friends...
in the middle of this post...i stopped to answer my phone...another friend of mine is going to be in town this friday...and i was the first person she was calling to see if i was free...
looks like friday will be another "special moments" day...
i can't seem to wipe the smile off my face...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
when change comes...
it amazes me sometimes how quickly life takes a turn...and everything that was no longer valid...
last week for me was like that...although the turn was mild...not because of illness, or tragedy...or anything life shattering (thank God!) it still had a major affect on my life, my thoughts, my plans and my goals...
the great thing about that in a way it can be a do-over...or a least that is how i choose to look at it...i see it as a new adventure...a new opportunity...but in the midst of all that "good" thinking...there is chaos...and timing...and new goals...and re-organization...
all of that was taking place last week...and is continuing on this week...and i assume will continue on for the next few weeks...i crave these little "kick-in-the-pants" moments...because it allows one to re-group and re-focus...with a new found intensity...that sometimes gets a little mellow with time and routine...
although there is much stress around me...there has been affirmation after affirmation that the decision that i made was the right one...and it is probably because of those affirmations...that the stress is a manageable one...because i know that the end result is where i need to be...
so in the mean time...i will do what i need to the ability that i have when i can...and look forward to a new adventure...
last week for me was like that...although the turn was mild...not because of illness, or tragedy...or anything life shattering (thank God!) it still had a major affect on my life, my thoughts, my plans and my goals...
the great thing about that in a way it can be a do-over...or a least that is how i choose to look at it...i see it as a new adventure...a new opportunity...but in the midst of all that "good" thinking...there is chaos...and timing...and new goals...and re-organization...
all of that was taking place last week...and is continuing on this week...and i assume will continue on for the next few weeks...i crave these little "kick-in-the-pants" moments...because it allows one to re-group and re-focus...with a new found intensity...that sometimes gets a little mellow with time and routine...
although there is much stress around me...there has been affirmation after affirmation that the decision that i made was the right one...and it is probably because of those affirmations...that the stress is a manageable one...because i know that the end result is where i need to be...
so in the mean time...i will do what i need to the ability that i have when i can...and look forward to a new adventure...
Monday, June 22, 2009
one flaw in women... another email worth these simple reminders...had to send this one to all the wonderful females in my life...
God doesn't give you the people you want;
He gives you the people you NEED...
to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you
and to make you into the person you were meant to be...
One Flaw In Women
Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear
about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think
there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes
the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.
Please pass this along to all your women friends
and relatives to remind them just how amazing they are.
Friday, June 19, 2009
49 years...
today my parents are celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary...
what an example they have shown me as to what a relationship is all all the years that i lived at home...i do not recall a time that they ever fought...the thing is...i know that they did...but it was never in front of the kids...and it never lasted long...obviously...
both my brothers got the same advice from my mom on each of their wedding days...
respect each other...and most importantly...don't go to bed angry at each other...
sounds so simple...but i truly believe that is what has kept my mom & dad together for so long...i never saw them disrespect each other...and if they were was resolved...before they went to bed...
the thing that i love so much when i watch them...and talk to that they truly enjoy each others company...after 49 years...three kids...they still have fun together...they still have so much that they talk to each other about...they still laugh together...
thank you mom & dad for showing me a true example of what a relationship is supposed to look like...happy anniversary!
what an example they have shown me as to what a relationship is all all the years that i lived at home...i do not recall a time that they ever fought...the thing is...i know that they did...but it was never in front of the kids...and it never lasted long...obviously...
both my brothers got the same advice from my mom on each of their wedding days...
respect each other...and most importantly...don't go to bed angry at each other...
sounds so simple...but i truly believe that is what has kept my mom & dad together for so long...i never saw them disrespect each other...and if they were was resolved...before they went to bed...
the thing that i love so much when i watch them...and talk to that they truly enjoy each others company...after 49 years...three kids...they still have fun together...they still have so much that they talk to each other about...they still laugh together...
thank you mom & dad for showing me a true example of what a relationship is supposed to look like...happy anniversary!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
His relentless pursuit...
my girlfriend was suggesting a book i should read...and knowing me...i probably will pick it up...
one line that she referred resonated with me...
i am so "overwhelmed by a relentless God"
i have to admit...i kept saying it over and over...sometimes i just don't understand God's love for me...honestly...i don't think i was meant to understand it...or more so...i couldn't handle understanding human-ness will never allow me to understand it...
but is there...despite what good i do...which doesn't really amount to a whole lot...or what bad i do...which seems to happen a lot more than i care to mention...despite all God pursues me...
it truly is overwhelming at times...when i try and wrap my little brain around that...He pursues me...
when i have been ready to throw in the towel...He pursues me...
when i have blown it big time...He pursues me...
when i have done nothing to merit a mention...He pursues me...
i do not understand this kind of love...i am overwhelmed by it...and most of all...i am so thankful for it...
His relentless pursuit of me has been my one source of strength so many times in my life...times where i felt i had nothing left...somehow...someway...He intervened...and let me know...let me feel...that i had someone...someone who loved me...unconditionally...
that overwhelms me at times...
as i am writing this post...everything i am feeling...everything that i am wanting to say...i can't...there truly are no words to describe this unbelievable feeling of knowing He is relentless about me...and as the tears are flowing down my cheeks...all i can
thank you Lord for your relentless pursuit of me...
one line that she referred resonated with me...
i am so "overwhelmed by a relentless God"
i have to admit...i kept saying it over and over...sometimes i just don't understand God's love for me...honestly...i don't think i was meant to understand it...or more so...i couldn't handle understanding human-ness will never allow me to understand it...
but is there...despite what good i do...which doesn't really amount to a whole lot...or what bad i do...which seems to happen a lot more than i care to mention...despite all God pursues me...
it truly is overwhelming at times...when i try and wrap my little brain around that...He pursues me...
when i have been ready to throw in the towel...He pursues me...
when i have blown it big time...He pursues me...
when i have done nothing to merit a mention...He pursues me...
i do not understand this kind of love...i am overwhelmed by it...and most of all...i am so thankful for it...
His relentless pursuit of me has been my one source of strength so many times in my life...times where i felt i had nothing left...somehow...someway...He intervened...and let me know...let me feel...that i had someone...someone who loved me...unconditionally...
that overwhelms me at times...
as i am writing this post...everything i am feeling...everything that i am wanting to say...i can't...there truly are no words to describe this unbelievable feeling of knowing He is relentless about me...and as the tears are flowing down my cheeks...all i can
thank you Lord for your relentless pursuit of me...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
case of my wiggin laptop...solved! for the last three nites...i've come home...and my laptop is totally wiggin...i try to type something...the keys aren't working...apps are open that shouldn't be...and...i need to completely shut get everything working properly again...
yes...very annoying...
so today...after an all day seminar...i get home...walk through the front door...look at my kitchen table...and what do i see...

yes...very annoying...
so today...after an all day seminar...i get home...walk through the front door...look at my kitchen table...and what do i see... looks like my cutie pie kitty has found a new bed to lounge i picked him up...he was most annoyed that he was being moved...what is next? an electric blanket??
this is the cat that during the winter months...will sleep on top of the heater on the floor...there have been times i have picked him up...and his little body is so hot from the heat...but it doesn't seem to phase as i think it is adorable that he has now found a summer replacement for his need for heat...all i can don't think so!
Monday, June 15, 2009
200th post...
really? who knew i had so much to say? =)
when i first started on this blogging "thing"...i never in a million years thought that i would write all the stuff i wrote about...obviously...many of the reasons would be because we are often prompted to write by things that happen in our day to day lives...or possibly things we would like to happen...or worse...things we wish didn't happen...
i am thinking that i will set aside a day...and re-read from day one...all my posts...i am sure it will bring up many different emotions that i have felt throughout these months...but i can't wish for any of it to not have happened...because every moment...every challenge...every disappointment...every victory...has helped in the shaping of "me"...
i read an interesting line the other day..."today is the yesterday that tomorrow we will want to go back to"...just another way of live in the moment...and make the most of every moment...i've said it so many times...we are not promised tomorrow...and to waste away any sad...truly...
so many times we are wanting to be somewhere someone else...wishing for better days...these are our better days...if we make them is up to focus on the things we have...and not the things we do not have...frankly...there will always be something better out there...but if we focus on just that...we miss out on the now...
thank you to all my faithful readers...those who have encouraged me to continue writing...those that are afraid to comment...but send me beautiful emails...those that do comment...those who have shared my blog with friends...
here is looking at the next 200 posts...wonder what random thoughts about nothing and everything will transpire...
when i first started on this blogging "thing"...i never in a million years thought that i would write all the stuff i wrote about...obviously...many of the reasons would be because we are often prompted to write by things that happen in our day to day lives...or possibly things we would like to happen...or worse...things we wish didn't happen...
i am thinking that i will set aside a day...and re-read from day one...all my posts...i am sure it will bring up many different emotions that i have felt throughout these months...but i can't wish for any of it to not have happened...because every moment...every challenge...every disappointment...every victory...has helped in the shaping of "me"...
i read an interesting line the other day..."today is the yesterday that tomorrow we will want to go back to"...just another way of live in the moment...and make the most of every moment...i've said it so many times...we are not promised tomorrow...and to waste away any sad...truly...
so many times we are wanting to be somewhere someone else...wishing for better days...these are our better days...if we make them is up to focus on the things we have...and not the things we do not have...frankly...there will always be something better out there...but if we focus on just that...we miss out on the now...
thank you to all my faithful readers...those who have encouraged me to continue writing...those that are afraid to comment...but send me beautiful emails...those that do comment...those who have shared my blog with friends...
here is looking at the next 200 posts...wonder what random thoughts about nothing and everything will transpire...
Friday, June 12, 2009
i've got the hook-up...
oh i have the hook-up... dad has the hook-up...but since i have been blessed beyond measure to be his daughter...i automatically get the is good...
let me explain...for years and dad makes the little trip to san francisco...more to give him something to do...visit with friends of little hole-in-the-wall places...he is friends with some who own restaurants...and some farmer market type places...i'm not sure...the thing is...he won't tell me! isn't that crazy??
my dad...being the protective human being that he is...thinks that some of the places he goes to...are not "safe" they are safe for him?? but not for me?? or maybe he just likes to be the hero coming back with all the goodies...
it really doesn't matter...i like the fact that he has fun days hanging out with his friends...laughing it i know they do... dad calls and asks if i want anything...he goes about once a week...and i do request my favorites...wherever these places are...he brings back the best vegetables...the best fruit...the best is far more fresh that what i get at the grocery store...and the fruit...well...sometimes it amazes me...the size of some of the fruit...i call it fruit on steroids...
today...i went to my dad's...cause he had "stuff" for me...i got the usual...the best brussel sprouts around...yummy when roasted with olive oil & my my argentinian tea..."mate cocido"
the surprise?? 2 lbs of the most luscious, sweetest & biggest strawberries ever! yum yum yum!
dad got an extra big hug & kiss for that!!
so as we tease good ole dad about his jaunts in the city...i'm thankful for my dad's hook-up's...which in turn...become my good ole hook-ups... dad has the hook-up...but since i have been blessed beyond measure to be his daughter...i automatically get the is good...
let me explain...for years and dad makes the little trip to san francisco...more to give him something to do...visit with friends of little hole-in-the-wall places...he is friends with some who own restaurants...and some farmer market type places...i'm not sure...the thing is...he won't tell me! isn't that crazy??
my dad...being the protective human being that he is...thinks that some of the places he goes to...are not "safe" they are safe for him?? but not for me?? or maybe he just likes to be the hero coming back with all the goodies...
it really doesn't matter...i like the fact that he has fun days hanging out with his friends...laughing it i know they do... dad calls and asks if i want anything...he goes about once a week...and i do request my favorites...wherever these places are...he brings back the best vegetables...the best fruit...the best is far more fresh that what i get at the grocery store...and the fruit...well...sometimes it amazes me...the size of some of the fruit...i call it fruit on steroids...
today...i went to my dad's...cause he had "stuff" for me...i got the usual...the best brussel sprouts around...yummy when roasted with olive oil & my my argentinian tea..."mate cocido"
the surprise?? 2 lbs of the most luscious, sweetest & biggest strawberries ever! yum yum yum!
dad got an extra big hug & kiss for that!!
so as we tease good ole dad about his jaunts in the city...i'm thankful for my dad's hook-up's...which in turn...become my good ole hook-ups...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
what does my gardener do exactly?
i'm thinking of firing my gardener...
i've been thinking this for quite some time...i really don't think he does enough for the amount that he charges...
monday of this mom came over...we mom is a work horse...seriously...i think the only thing that stopped us was the fact that the recycle bin couldn't hold we stopped...
my mom asked me what my gardener does exactly...good question i've been wondering the same thing...
other than once in a while trimming some of the big bushes in the yard...and even that is annoying...what is it with gardeners...that they feel that every bush needs to be a square shape? that does not even remotely look natural...but hence...when he trims...that is what happens...i have a yard full of square bushes...
he kinda cleans up the driveway and such...with his blower...but even such a poor job...i can always spot major areas that were missed...every time he is here...
so he mows the grass...but i am seriously wondering if i should just do that is not that big a patch of grass...and for his monthly fee...that he shows up for twice a week...for about a 10 minute stay...well...needless to is really driving me crazy...
one of my pet people doing their absolute least amount of work needed...and expecting full amount of payment...something has gotta would think with the economy the way it is...businesses would be trying to hold on to the customers they have...while offering them top notch service...not in my gardeners case...
with all that my mom & i did on monday...i should just turn around and pay her...not that she would take it...but the day was fun...we cleaned up a lot of weeds, overgrown plants, repotted, resoiled...
i'd like to think that my gardener showed up today and was surprised by all the work that was done...and the recycle bin being packed to the rim...i would like to think he would be embarrassed...but i doubt fact...he was probably thrilled that he wouldn't have to stay the whole 10 minutes...and call it a day...and bill me...for what my mom & i did...
yeah...i think his days are numbered...
i've been thinking this for quite some time...i really don't think he does enough for the amount that he charges...
monday of this mom came over...we mom is a work horse...seriously...i think the only thing that stopped us was the fact that the recycle bin couldn't hold we stopped...
my mom asked me what my gardener does exactly...good question i've been wondering the same thing...
other than once in a while trimming some of the big bushes in the yard...and even that is annoying...what is it with gardeners...that they feel that every bush needs to be a square shape? that does not even remotely look natural...but hence...when he trims...that is what happens...i have a yard full of square bushes...
he kinda cleans up the driveway and such...with his blower...but even such a poor job...i can always spot major areas that were missed...every time he is here...
so he mows the grass...but i am seriously wondering if i should just do that is not that big a patch of grass...and for his monthly fee...that he shows up for twice a week...for about a 10 minute stay...well...needless to is really driving me crazy...
one of my pet people doing their absolute least amount of work needed...and expecting full amount of payment...something has gotta would think with the economy the way it is...businesses would be trying to hold on to the customers they have...while offering them top notch service...not in my gardeners case...
with all that my mom & i did on monday...i should just turn around and pay her...not that she would take it...but the day was fun...we cleaned up a lot of weeds, overgrown plants, repotted, resoiled...
i'd like to think that my gardener showed up today and was surprised by all the work that was done...and the recycle bin being packed to the rim...i would like to think he would be embarrassed...but i doubt fact...he was probably thrilled that he wouldn't have to stay the whole 10 minutes...and call it a day...and bill me...for what my mom & i did...
yeah...i think his days are numbered...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
chit chat about the cats...
it is looking quite dreary outside...aren't we in june? may be the culprit of my melancholy mood...
i have been sitting in front of this blank blogger page for what seems like hours...but it has only been 30 minutes...i guess it is helping a bit...that my sweet cat chester is snoozing on my lap...the warmth of his body keeping me warm in this chilly morning...
he just looked up at me...the clicking of the keys must have startled him...i sometimes wonder what he wonders as he looks at me so cute and cat like...
when i am oohing and cooing over him...i like to think that he is adoringly thinking..."i've got the best mom"...but in reality...i'm sure he is thinking..."my mom is a bit whacked today"...or maybe...he is not thinking anything at all...but he is my cat...and since he can't speak other than cat speak...i will go with my first thought...
today's post is truly...random thoughts about nothing...i really enjoy writing in my goal is always a post a day with weekends off...i haven't really swayed from that too much...other than a few days...that ended up being due to either vacation or just super swamped with a trunk show...
now little sasha (my other kittie) is peering over the one-eyed rambunctious...he is peering over the laptop as if to say "am i not the cutest thing ever?" yes...he is...a little quirky...a little slow...haha...but i love his energy...and the moments he slows down a bit...just to stop and stare...
am i becoming the wierd cat lady? is just a writers block day...and since my cats are around...i'm blogging about them...they truly are like family...i don't care what others say...they have grown from tiny kittens to two very different cats...two totally different personalities...and both have brought such joy to me...when i am at home...
i think the honest this weather makes me not want to do here is wishing for the sun to come back soon...until it does...i will take from the sunshine chester & sasha give me...
i have been sitting in front of this blank blogger page for what seems like hours...but it has only been 30 minutes...i guess it is helping a bit...that my sweet cat chester is snoozing on my lap...the warmth of his body keeping me warm in this chilly morning...
he just looked up at me...the clicking of the keys must have startled him...i sometimes wonder what he wonders as he looks at me so cute and cat like...
when i am oohing and cooing over him...i like to think that he is adoringly thinking..."i've got the best mom"...but in reality...i'm sure he is thinking..."my mom is a bit whacked today"...or maybe...he is not thinking anything at all...but he is my cat...and since he can't speak other than cat speak...i will go with my first thought...
today's post is truly...random thoughts about nothing...i really enjoy writing in my goal is always a post a day with weekends off...i haven't really swayed from that too much...other than a few days...that ended up being due to either vacation or just super swamped with a trunk show...
now little sasha (my other kittie) is peering over the one-eyed rambunctious...he is peering over the laptop as if to say "am i not the cutest thing ever?" yes...he is...a little quirky...a little slow...haha...but i love his energy...and the moments he slows down a bit...just to stop and stare...
am i becoming the wierd cat lady? is just a writers block day...and since my cats are around...i'm blogging about them...they truly are like family...i don't care what others say...they have grown from tiny kittens to two very different cats...two totally different personalities...and both have brought such joy to me...when i am at home...
i think the honest this weather makes me not want to do here is wishing for the sun to come back soon...until it does...i will take from the sunshine chester & sasha give me...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
every day is a new day...
saw an interesting update today on twitter...
"one day your life will flash before your eyes...make sure it's worth watching"
it is interesting how a certain phrase or quote will jump out at you...and possibly stop you dead in your tracks...and possibly make you think for a moment...
i thought about my life...well..the life i've lived so far...and although...i never in a million years...thought i would be where i am still turned out pretty ok...
i think the key for me...has always been not to dwell on what i don't have...but what i do have...and lets be honest...i am human...and i have the moments that i think about what i don't have...or think about how i thought my life would be...but i don't allow myself to be there for long...
all in all...i have a pretty good life...i have a great family...and most of them live close by...i have incredible friends...real friends...the ones that are there for you...when it really counts...
i have a job i absolutely love...i have my health...i have a nice comfortable home...i have my two fuzzy companions...and i have a man who adores me...
as i get older...i see God's working in my life as well as those of my friends and family...there are times we are without something...that we may desire or long for...and for whatever doesn't work out the way we would like...but God in His incredible being...fills in those holes of our lives...with just what we long or desire for...but maybe not in the packaging we were expecting...
the not to get so bogged down with thinking about the thing we wanted...and miss the blessing in another package...
one movie that really hit home for me...along the same topic of this post...was "under the tuscan sun" diane lane...who after a bad break-up...spoke of the things she longed for...and in the end...she got every single thing that she wanted...but it took her stepping outside of her how these longings were to be delivered...
when i look back on my life...i don't think there is one thing that i would change...because i know that i know...that through every happy moment, every heartache...ever all happened to get me to where i am today...
i do not take for granted every new day given to in the moment...and not "waiting" for life to happen...but making it day at a time...
"one day your life will flash before your eyes...make sure it's worth watching"
it is interesting how a certain phrase or quote will jump out at you...and possibly stop you dead in your tracks...and possibly make you think for a moment...
i thought about my life...well..the life i've lived so far...and although...i never in a million years...thought i would be where i am still turned out pretty ok...
i think the key for me...has always been not to dwell on what i don't have...but what i do have...and lets be honest...i am human...and i have the moments that i think about what i don't have...or think about how i thought my life would be...but i don't allow myself to be there for long...
all in all...i have a pretty good life...i have a great family...and most of them live close by...i have incredible friends...real friends...the ones that are there for you...when it really counts...
i have a job i absolutely love...i have my health...i have a nice comfortable home...i have my two fuzzy companions...and i have a man who adores me...
as i get older...i see God's working in my life as well as those of my friends and family...there are times we are without something...that we may desire or long for...and for whatever doesn't work out the way we would like...but God in His incredible being...fills in those holes of our lives...with just what we long or desire for...but maybe not in the packaging we were expecting...
the not to get so bogged down with thinking about the thing we wanted...and miss the blessing in another package...
one movie that really hit home for me...along the same topic of this post...was "under the tuscan sun" diane lane...who after a bad break-up...spoke of the things she longed for...and in the end...she got every single thing that she wanted...but it took her stepping outside of her how these longings were to be delivered...
when i look back on my life...i don't think there is one thing that i would change...because i know that i know...that through every happy moment, every heartache...ever all happened to get me to where i am today...
i do not take for granted every new day given to in the moment...and not "waiting" for life to happen...but making it day at a time...
Monday, June 8, 2009
the movie that envoked fiery conversation...
had some friends over the other nite...made pasta...garlic bread...salad...
it was a group of female friends...there was eight of us...and so as we ate & talked...laughed & shared...we shifted towards the subject of men...big surprise there =)
i had the movie "he is just not that into you" so we all decided to watch it...interesting movie...lots of different emotions going on...different relationships...different types of men...and different types of women...
well...needless to say...the conversation got a lot more heated after the movie...but it was interesting...none the less...what i liked was that it didn't become a session of men bashing...but we talked about relationships...and when we knew that we "should" have walked away...vs "when" we walked away...and in some cases...the man did the walking...and made us deal with the aftermath...the wondering...the thing that most women do...thinking it was obviously "our" fault...and "what could i have done differently"
when my girlfriends had the wee hours of the mind was still racing from all the conversation...
sure there is a tiny bit of regret when you are thinking of someone who you gave your all to...only to have him walk away...without an explanation...or to look back at years of pouring into a relationship that wasn't to be...
but i don't live my life with least i strive not to...what i know is that i can look back and know what i heart, my all...and with that...i can't be regretful...i would rather be that way...than be afraid to be open with my feelings toward someone...does it make you look like a fool? yeah...maybe...but i'd much rather be a fool than to live a life of being "careful" not to get hurt...or to never be vulnerable...or to let someone know how i feel about them...
and for those that chose to walk away? i would hope that one day they may realize what a good friend i was...and if they don't...i truly don't think they will ever know what true relationship is...but that is not for me to worry long as i can know in my heart of hearts that i did everything i possibly could...there is not much left to say...or do...
i just need to worry about who is in my life now...and that i am giving all of me to them...a relationship doesn't work when one is in it half way...and when someone doesn't want to be in my life...or feels they don't need me in their life...then it was probably best that they did walk away...
it was a group of female friends...there was eight of us...and so as we ate & talked...laughed & shared...we shifted towards the subject of men...big surprise there =)
i had the movie "he is just not that into you" so we all decided to watch it...interesting movie...lots of different emotions going on...different relationships...different types of men...and different types of women...
well...needless to say...the conversation got a lot more heated after the movie...but it was interesting...none the less...what i liked was that it didn't become a session of men bashing...but we talked about relationships...and when we knew that we "should" have walked away...vs "when" we walked away...and in some cases...the man did the walking...and made us deal with the aftermath...the wondering...the thing that most women do...thinking it was obviously "our" fault...and "what could i have done differently"
when my girlfriends had the wee hours of the mind was still racing from all the conversation...
sure there is a tiny bit of regret when you are thinking of someone who you gave your all to...only to have him walk away...without an explanation...or to look back at years of pouring into a relationship that wasn't to be...
but i don't live my life with least i strive not to...what i know is that i can look back and know what i heart, my all...and with that...i can't be regretful...i would rather be that way...than be afraid to be open with my feelings toward someone...does it make you look like a fool? yeah...maybe...but i'd much rather be a fool than to live a life of being "careful" not to get hurt...or to never be vulnerable...or to let someone know how i feel about them...
and for those that chose to walk away? i would hope that one day they may realize what a good friend i was...and if they don't...i truly don't think they will ever know what true relationship is...but that is not for me to worry long as i can know in my heart of hearts that i did everything i possibly could...there is not much left to say...or do...
i just need to worry about who is in my life now...and that i am giving all of me to them...a relationship doesn't work when one is in it half way...and when someone doesn't want to be in my life...or feels they don't need me in their life...then it was probably best that they did walk away...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
a pleasant surprise in a stranger...
yesterday...i had the most pleasant experience with a total stranger...left me feeling still are some nice honest people around...
kinda sad that i would be surprised...but it seems that most of the time...people are looking out for themselves...and usually whether aware or not aware of it...not much thought is put into those their actions may affect...
i sell some stuff on ebay periodically...recently i sold a beautiful tahari sundress...for a great price...the woman who bought it...wrote me when she received the panic...because it didn't fit...she couldn't zip up the back of it...
unfortunately...i have a no return that is very visible...and written in several places in my ebay listing...she nformed me that she didn't see it...i have strayed from accepting it just became a nuisance from all those who lied or return an item...and not for valid reasons...
i suggested she try and sell the dress...and that was that...or so i thought...
as i sat and thought about our conversation...and how respectful we both were to each other...and really wanting a win/win was too late to call she lives on the east coast...but i sent her an email that i would honor a return for her...
in the morning...i called to follow-up with her...she informed me...that after we had spoken...she called ebay directly...and told them of the situation...she explained to them that she didn't feel she should keep a dress that didn't fit...however...i as a seller had a no return policy...
well - ebay said that they would reimburse her for the purchase...
i sat in awe as she told me this...because...she literally could have sent the dress back to me...and gotten a refund from ebay as well as from me...and i would have never known it...
she said she felt an honesty from me...and she could not think of doing that to me after i was so "pleasant" to her...
it was such a minor thing...but it restored my faith in that there are good people out there...that are complete strangers...and i believe that when you treat people the way you would like to be truly does come back to you...
she has now put me in her "favorite seller" category...and i have a new ebay customer & friend...
kinda sad that i would be surprised...but it seems that most of the time...people are looking out for themselves...and usually whether aware or not aware of it...not much thought is put into those their actions may affect...
i sell some stuff on ebay periodically...recently i sold a beautiful tahari sundress...for a great price...the woman who bought it...wrote me when she received the panic...because it didn't fit...she couldn't zip up the back of it...
unfortunately...i have a no return that is very visible...and written in several places in my ebay listing...she nformed me that she didn't see it...i have strayed from accepting it just became a nuisance from all those who lied or return an item...and not for valid reasons...
i suggested she try and sell the dress...and that was that...or so i thought...
as i sat and thought about our conversation...and how respectful we both were to each other...and really wanting a win/win was too late to call she lives on the east coast...but i sent her an email that i would honor a return for her...
in the morning...i called to follow-up with her...she informed me...that after we had spoken...she called ebay directly...and told them of the situation...she explained to them that she didn't feel she should keep a dress that didn't fit...however...i as a seller had a no return policy...
well - ebay said that they would reimburse her for the purchase...
i sat in awe as she told me this...because...she literally could have sent the dress back to me...and gotten a refund from ebay as well as from me...and i would have never known it...
she said she felt an honesty from me...and she could not think of doing that to me after i was so "pleasant" to her...
it was such a minor thing...but it restored my faith in that there are good people out there...that are complete strangers...and i believe that when you treat people the way you would like to be truly does come back to you...
she has now put me in her "favorite seller" category...and i have a new ebay customer & friend...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
how dare you take me off the list...
i have recently been doing a lot of clean-up...i do not know what started it all...but i do not recommend "cleaning up" in every area of your life at the same can be...well...pretty overwhelming...and at start to wonder if anything is really getting done...
sometimes you come across something that stops you in your these moments...i may sit down...and relish the may be a letter from long long ago...a card...a picture...and then i am back to the horrible i keep it?? or do i get rid of it?
one of the areas i have been cleaning up is in the area of my client postage is going up...and i continue to add new clients to my list...i have looked over the list...and for those that never have expressed a desire to come to the shows...or never returned my calls (that is a whole different post...i do not understand how people...still to this not return calls =(...phew that felt good to get it out) or those that made appointments...showed up...obviously not wanting to shop but look...(which is not a problem...but it becomes apparent which of these individuals...will never buy) and then those that make appointments and never show up...(yes...another blog post) as my business is by appointment...when i get several who come by only to snoop...or those that make appointments and not show up...these were time slots where i didn't book a "real" customer...
the funny thing about cleaning up my client that now that a few shows have past...i am getting the phone calls from those people...obviously disturbed that "they" have been taken off the list...are you kidding me? i have started to realize that some of these individuals...acquaintences...are just really really nosy...and feel the need to know what is going on in my that cracks me i don't think my life is some grand existance...but none the is obviously exciting enough for some...
i had one person that i took off the list...when during a conversation she informed me how much she enjoyed my newsletter...because she was starting out doing what i do...and she didn't need to reinvent anything...because she copied and pasted from mine...uh...i don't think so...
i have remained strong...and didn't re-enter their names after much hoopla about why they "need" to stay on the mailings...i guess i am being a bit the end...i am trying to grow my business...not entertain those "lookey-loo's" with my life...
if they want to know about me and my life...there are other ways of going about it...nuff said...
sometimes you come across something that stops you in your these moments...i may sit down...and relish the may be a letter from long long ago...a card...a picture...and then i am back to the horrible i keep it?? or do i get rid of it?
one of the areas i have been cleaning up is in the area of my client postage is going up...and i continue to add new clients to my list...i have looked over the list...and for those that never have expressed a desire to come to the shows...or never returned my calls (that is a whole different post...i do not understand how people...still to this not return calls =(...phew that felt good to get it out) or those that made appointments...showed up...obviously not wanting to shop but look...(which is not a problem...but it becomes apparent which of these individuals...will never buy) and then those that make appointments and never show up...(yes...another blog post) as my business is by appointment...when i get several who come by only to snoop...or those that make appointments and not show up...these were time slots where i didn't book a "real" customer...
the funny thing about cleaning up my client that now that a few shows have past...i am getting the phone calls from those people...obviously disturbed that "they" have been taken off the list...are you kidding me? i have started to realize that some of these individuals...acquaintences...are just really really nosy...and feel the need to know what is going on in my that cracks me i don't think my life is some grand existance...but none the is obviously exciting enough for some...
i had one person that i took off the list...when during a conversation she informed me how much she enjoyed my newsletter...because she was starting out doing what i do...and she didn't need to reinvent anything...because she copied and pasted from mine...uh...i don't think so...
i have remained strong...and didn't re-enter their names after much hoopla about why they "need" to stay on the mailings...i guess i am being a bit the end...i am trying to grow my business...not entertain those "lookey-loo's" with my life...
if they want to know about me and my life...there are other ways of going about it...nuff said...
Monday, June 1, 2009
desserts is stressed spelled backwards...
i woke up this morning really tired...after a nite of many strange dreams...i only remember them being strange...because i have a tendency to wake up and, that was really out there...gotta remember it to tell so and so...and no...i don't write it so many have told me to i woke up this morning...not remembering the dreams...but remembering that i had thought to myself...that they were strange...
i guess it is not that important to me to remember...otherwise i guess i would do what everyone suggests i do...
the point of this post...was really to start off describing my restless nite...and the reason for waking up tired...
i do remember that i woke up several times during the lay there and watch the blue numbers on my clock slowly change...and me...well...i am just praying to fall asleep...
so then i started thinking...what is keeping me up? i guess the easier question would be...what isn't keeping me up? i find that i tend to think way too much...about things that are out of my control...not sure if i somehow feel that in the "thinking about it" stage...i am somehow contributing...when truly...if i step outside the situation...i realize...that all i am contributing is a pretty much done deal that i will not be sleeping well...
so when i woke this morning...i forced myself to stay in bed...and hopefully get some needed sleep...and i did...about two hours worth...but by was well after nine...and i got out of bed feeling stressed that i was now behind in all that i needed to do today...
as i wandered through my day...i really started focusing on how hard i have been on myself...if i'm tired...why not just take some time off...and relax...instead i heap on more stress...because in allowing myself to sleep in...i now am behind...
as i'm writing this...i'm thinking...does any of this even make any sense??
i ended up accomplishing more than i thought i would...but not as much as i had hoped to...
so i can do one of two things...stress some more...or relax a bit...take the pressure off...and know that tomorrow is a new day...
since i really want a good nites sleep tonite...i am opting for the relaxing part...
i heard a line in a movie recently..."desserts is stressed spelled backwards"
so i'm also opting for some yummy dessert...the answer for this stressed out least for tonite...
and tomorrow...well tomorrow is a new day...
i guess it is not that important to me to remember...otherwise i guess i would do what everyone suggests i do...
the point of this post...was really to start off describing my restless nite...and the reason for waking up tired...
i do remember that i woke up several times during the lay there and watch the blue numbers on my clock slowly change...and me...well...i am just praying to fall asleep...
so then i started thinking...what is keeping me up? i guess the easier question would be...what isn't keeping me up? i find that i tend to think way too much...about things that are out of my control...not sure if i somehow feel that in the "thinking about it" stage...i am somehow contributing...when truly...if i step outside the situation...i realize...that all i am contributing is a pretty much done deal that i will not be sleeping well...
so when i woke this morning...i forced myself to stay in bed...and hopefully get some needed sleep...and i did...about two hours worth...but by was well after nine...and i got out of bed feeling stressed that i was now behind in all that i needed to do today...
as i wandered through my day...i really started focusing on how hard i have been on myself...if i'm tired...why not just take some time off...and relax...instead i heap on more stress...because in allowing myself to sleep in...i now am behind...
as i'm writing this...i'm thinking...does any of this even make any sense??
i ended up accomplishing more than i thought i would...but not as much as i had hoped to...
so i can do one of two things...stress some more...or relax a bit...take the pressure off...and know that tomorrow is a new day...
since i really want a good nites sleep tonite...i am opting for the relaxing part...
i heard a line in a movie recently..."desserts is stressed spelled backwards"
so i'm also opting for some yummy dessert...the answer for this stressed out least for tonite...
and tomorrow...well tomorrow is a new day...
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